Can you add multiple servers in the same way you can in EWBF using the --config option?
I'd like it so if a pool goes down it automatically connects to a backup server
I'm working on failover server support.
Thanks dude In the meantime I've got a script that pings the mining servers before mining but not all servers respond to a ping.
I will say I may be having a connection issue with my 12 card on it though. .
My 6 cards are working perfect though with increased hashrates
EDIT had to take my 12 card off of DSTM . . not working properly any idea DSTM?
This is most likely because zm uses one separate connection for each GPU - zm handles them completely independent currently. Some routers/pools seem to have issues with this. I'm currently testing a new version which uses a single connection.
It has nothing to do with routers or pools. This is just because zm take too much cpu load.
With G4400s, I can barely put 7 cards... it's too unstable. Just a background process (an update or something) is enough to crash everything.
So, a 12 cards rig, I don't even think about it!
If you still want to run 12 cards, you'll probably have to upgrade the proc... or stick to ewbf
That's kind of odd, I'm using a g4560 and mining on 6 cards, CPU load average for me = 2.8%