Not at all clear. For one thing it is presumably a failure to seek to maxmise returns for investors to leave money on the table by not merged-mining.
For another it plainly says in ithe title "DVC Mining Fund", so of course DVC mining is expected to be involved.
Are investors' returns to be in devcoins? If so it is especially insulting to deliberately deprive them of the devcoins the hardware they invest in should be producing.
Surely it is a fiduciary responsibility of those maximising the devcoin returns of the hardware on behalf of the investors to see to it that valuable hashing power is not wasted by failing to obtain for it the various coins, in particular at least devcoins, that it ought to be obtaining?
You seem to be planning to cheat devcoin supporters out of not only their devcoins but also the actual value of the devcoins they hold, by deliberately preventing hashes from being applied to the devcoin chain that could perfectly well be applied to the devcoin chain, and you want devcoiners to pay for those hashes for you. That is so pervertedly scammy and underjanded and devoius it is outright disgusting.
"Help me undermine your blockchain by diverting investment / hashing-power / investment in hashing power away from it!", in short.
EDIT: All that is without even looking at the fact that it is a pyramid scheme, too.
1) I am not preventing anyone from merge-mining or directly mining dvc, this is altogether a different concept. I am mining in a merge-mining fashion at bitparking right now and will continue to do so, even when I get the asics that I have already ordered, but in addition to that I personally have used pyramining to ensure that the service works as laid out and have investigated the operation in a limited fashion to ensure a certain level of legitimacy.
2) There is no pyramid scheme, there is real mining applied to your pyramining account. The "pyramid" part of pyramining applies to only how the referral bonuses work... so by your definition of a pyramid scheme then any service offering referral bonuses continuously is a pyramid scheme.
3) I could mine with 1000000 gh/s on a worthless coin but provide no benefit to it, the amount of hashes to a chain does not provide economic viability, what I am attempting to offer is economic viability by encouraging the repeated buying of dvc which in turn I hope encourages miner and service adoption due to improved prices on a reputable public exchange.
4) I like devcoin, I like Pyramining, I like Cryptostocks and this offering is to promote each service while offering prospective pyraminers a way to get involved without the 12+ month commitment as they can transfer their project participation any time they choose.