Activity: 7
Merit: 0
The Process with the Papermoney pushes is starting probably!!!
Ripple (future of Papermoneysystem Onlinetransfermoney)
and Stellar (one of the future Basic Incomes)
They are going to pump in for 3 days and after that they are going to fall down to a volume which is about 1|10 higher or little bit higher than now. RIGHT NOW Ripple was about 20 Cent after the last pump in May >>> it will be around 22 to 25 Cent, maybe even 30 Cent, after THIS NEXT PUMP
NOW IS THE TIME to go into Ripple... but carefully watching, its taking just 6 or 7 days... 3 days UP and 3 days DOWN.
I keep a I on all which are pushed by the papermoney now
Ripple has had 3 pumps since its existense, each pump was taking it up 10 times and even more
its always getting pumped up to approximataly 7 times of the volume within 3 days, no shit, check it out, watch it life
GO IN AND GO OUT within 3 DAYS, 7 time more money within 3 days and back to the bottom, papermoney you funnymoney, go papermoney go....
watch it carefully and decide for yourselves, thats easiest way to make big money in short time now, powered by the original papermoney system, the endless supplier of funnymoney, somewhere it needs to go, somewhen, sometimes, now, maybe is one of those times...
<<><<>><<<<>><<><>>><<<<>><>>><<>>><>><<<<<<>>>><<>>>><>><>>>>><>>>><><>><<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<><<<<<<>>>ADITIONAL INFOS FOR NOOPS follow here...<<<<<<<>><<<<>><><<<<<<>><<<<<<>><<<<<<>><<<<<><<><<<><<>><<><<><<<<<><<>><<<<>><<><>>><<<<>><>>><<>>><>><<<<<<>>>><<>>>><>><>>>>><>>>><>v
se ripple gepumpe startet, der wird sich jetzt die nächsten 3 tage vllt versiebenfachen letztes mal hat er sich in 3 tagen vervierzehnfacht, vllt. macht papiergeld diesmal die 21 klar 😉
bin mir ziemlich sicher das heute der 1 Tag beginnt, da sind bis jetzt noch Insider Trades, die richtige Pumpe kommt Morgen oder in den nächsten Tagen, verleich dir die charts von ripple und BTC als das gepumpe im Mai dieses Jahr war und denk da mal drüber nach, leichter ziehst keine Paar Millionen aus em Papiergeldsystem, da Spielen nicht viele Leute mit, aber die die Spielregeln kennen und jetzt am Ball sind schießen bei der Party den ober vogel ab, in 3 Tagen ne versiebenfachung, das ist Turbogeil... schaus dir ganz genau an, was da abläuft... aber jetzt nicht in 3 Taagen, das ist en geschenk vom System, an alle dies checken, das ist in alles in allem en fundamentaler umverteiliungsprozess, den Leuten denen s papiergeld gehört ist scheiß egal wer am ende milliardär ist, wichtig ist nur das es wenige sind im verhältniss zu denen die nichts haben
Lumen hat sich letzts mal verzwansichfacht, der wird bei der nächsten pumpe die auch fällig ist bestimmt verdreisigfachen, hat sich heute übern tag schon fast verdoppelt checks dir ab... >>> PaperMoneySystem PUMPING FOR RIPPLE AND STELLAR IS MAYBE STARTING >>> THIS PROCESS TAKES PLACE SOMETIMES; MAyBE right NOW >>> Ripple (XRP) & Lumen (XLM) >>> RIPPLE IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE DIGITAL PAPERMONEYSYSTEM OF THE FUTURE STELLAR IS ONE VERSION OF A GLOBAL BASIC INCOME SYSTEM MONEY >>> THE PAPERMONEYSYSTEM IS EXPONANTIELL INFLATING WHILE THE CRYPTO INDUSTIE IS exponential DEFLATING; FUNNYMONEY IS ACCTUALLY INFINI BUT NOT EVERYONE Is HAPPY as You who gets here the info who you can get some of it >>> CHECK THE CHARTS BY YOURSELVES - go in it WIN IT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>if you get rich or richer with this message, a donation would be really awesome cause I am not able to participate at this 3 DAYs of PAPERMONEY SYSTEM REALLY all my Investment capital is locked in TOKENS until the 20th of October, fucked up shit, but maybe you can make something out of it and as I mentioned, a donation would be really really nice, depending on the volume of your wins I hope 🙂 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>50 % of all donations will go straight into a party fond, to make a party, or a festival, or even a PartyFestival-Island 😉 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>* This is not an investment advice.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BTC DONATION ADDRESS: 1E6FMM2MM2HCgXgboR5dihRjgrtrohW6hq
Alle Farben - 6 hour Session @ V.c.f. Berlin 08.10.2011 [DJ-Set]
Alle Farben - 6 hour Session @ V.c.f. Berlin 08.10.2011…