"The token manager will need a few modifications to handle ELIX and produce the upcoming rewards token, dubbed “Token P.” We’ve already created a prototype contract for Token P. Afterwards, we anticipate conducting the same type of automated testing on the token manager contract."
Thanks for the update! Is Token P is what the novaexchange people will be getting in compensation? Is there any indicator or way to control what the starting price will be? Assuming it will be on par with what the present Elix Tokens...
John bought 1000 TME tokens that got stuck on Nova. 1000 Elix tokens now at present day vlaue (0.50 USD) are now valued at $500. If "Token P" is 1 cent a coin we would get $500/0.01 = 50,000 "Token P".
Compensation for TME, which was frozen on Novaexchange was made a long time ago, and Dev gave a lot of time for this. Why were not you interested in ads, did not follow the project and did not exchange TME, then, when everyone did it? Secondly, TME exchanged for ELIX, for no new "Token P." it should not be exchanged. If you did not make the exchange on time, then who is to blame? Besides, it's not Dev that included TME in the listing on Novaexchange, it was done by the community through voting. Make claims to Novaexchange for the fact that they can not work with ERC20 tokens. Dev paid for the ELIX listing on Coinexchange. So it's just not appropriate to ask such a question about TME and also to include such figures, so that you are paid 50 times more for new tokens for a dead token. I am against any compensation to those who have TME. If a person has not exchanged for half a year, when Dev has exerted so much effort to help the victims, then this person is to blame. Also, I know that these tokens have been unfrozen for a long time on Novaexchange. Can you buy TME for pennies and now want to exchange it? Now there is a delisting TME on December 10, 2017. So you just would like to exchange TME, which you do not know where from. I remember lottereumdev bought TME here for its LTE 1000:1 tokens. Maybe you bought 20 million TME for 0.000000000000000001 sat?
Where have you been the last few months? The irony in your post is that you are blaming us for missing an announcement in the past, but you yourself must have also missed month's worth of discussion about this more recent compensation:) ElixerDev has already started a process for this when Nova finally unlocked their wallets. They had us give them our NovaExchange login credentials and they logged in as us to verify when we purchased TME and that we didn't try to accumulate more after the wallets became unlocked. They had us all create a new MEW wallet address and give it to them for future compensation. There are only about 20 of us. At the time they had planned of doing another conversion (kind of like Exor to Elix again) and dealing us back in, but they have since decided to stick with Elix. Some of their last posts on the matter suggested compensating via the future reward token which I am assuming "Token P" is.
This is where ElixerDev started the process back on Nov 28th:
Just sent you a PM. We're going to look into this and try to take care of this for you. Anyone else who has reached out, please resend your PM so it's at the front of my inbox. We recognize that if the project becomes much more valuable it would be a shame to miss out.