🚀 Tycoon69 IEO is ongoing!
We remind you that the T69 tokens price is 0.4669 EUR. This price will be constant until March 18th. You still have time to get it at the best price 😉
📜 The Tycoon69 Marketplace will provide real-world liquidity for cryptocurrency owners. It enables them to convert their cryptocurrencies into real-world products and services. It also circumvents these users' need for bank accounts and fiat currency. While anybody who can pay the creation fees, in theory, can be issuing SAFE gift cards, Tycoon69 will implement a selection procedure to ensure quality.
You may now invest in T69 by following link: https://bit.emirex.com/t69ieo
#T69 #Tycoon69
P.S.: Guys! For technical reasons, we are postponing the giveaway to today! It will be very soon, so stay tuned!