Details of our forum that we would like any beta testers to have a look at, as we don't really want to run a beta program here.
Also some details about the beta launch, and how we decided to slip it to this Friday the 14th.....yes I know you are all eager beavers, but I'd rather have a decent client with many loose ends tied up to start with.
From now on I'll post most of the stuff about eMunie over there at and only make any relevant postings, or major news about it here, as this is a BitCoin forum after all.
Some perks to those that don't want to be Beta testers, we would like you to get involved too, we aim for eMunie to be a success and more than anything else we want to have a large thriving community around it where everyone can have their say on the direction of the currency.
We'll be rolling out a referrals program on production client launch once beta testing is over, and you'll receive 1EMU for every person you refer to eMunie and sends us their eMunie address or posts on the forum (there is only 500k EMU's a year maximum, so 1 is pretty good we think!
There is also sub forums for alt-coins, lounge and the like too, in general forum style, so feel free to post away there too.