Why the alt use. you can't be a newbie with eleven post and have this much vested interest in exscudo. By the way, did you actually invest or are you just a whinning bounty hunter? Don't get me wrong, i do understand that they have missed several deadline, but if you have ever taken a programming course, or tried to write codes, then you will know this things are expected. Individuals like you, love to whine when a company misses it's deadline, but whine so much louder if they stick to deadline and release subpar product.
not to mention, if you look at the exscudo twitter you will see a similar account to this one with consistent negative posting.
i want to say this guy is clearly fudding since he is so invested in making sure people see how badly he thinks of exscudo.
however he does have genuine arguments, even if a bit forceful and misguided.
so i just chalked him up as a salty investor/desperate bounty hunter.
just be patient. the worst that can happen is they run off with your money, the second worst is EON tanks in value on release and is worth less than .10 cents(this is the point in which investors lose money{fiat} thanks to the multiplier), the third worst thing that can happen is they release the beta but delay the mainnet launch once again in which you will go back to waiting(but you can sell your position in the beta if you dont want to wait).
10 cents is pretty low price, I doubt it would go that far.
I got a decent sized bounty, but kind of feel like I want to be a first day buyer... Many impatient hands will provide some serious volitility and there will be profit to be made whichever way the market goes