If that's true, that's really really good news. I'm raising my groundfloor to 1$/eon.
I'm afraid you're disappointed, but greater than 0.1 will not see for a long time, tokens had not been burned and distributed to the investors and is not very small wallets and the opportunity those who are waiting a year will result in the floor.
Whether or not it's true, the team is doing some real footwork and $1 is easily foreseeable at least in the initial rush. Considering people paid .0002 btc per token and btc is $11k I doubt you'll see a majority of people selling below $1.
People are new to the scene and thus having trouble understanding the economics of it all, but the fact that the unsold tokens weren't burnt doesn't have a negative effect on value just because it multiplied....and for the record there are paradoxical industries that don't fully obey supply/demand logic in the real world, and have been for years....hell look at bitcoin...it's
supposed to be valued due to supply/demand but now it's complete speculation and price is being driven by daily trading for guaranteed profits. Ridiculous.
Point is, if a majority decide to hold their tokens at the perceived value of .0002btc or around $2, then that's what the price will be and anyone selling theirs for $.10 is going to be scooped up right away. Not saying it will start at .0002btc but that it's the hodlers who choose to sell some that really dictate the price. We simpletons on some forum have no idea how many people are interested who didn't get into the ICO, or even how many whales are ready to dump another $5m into this.
I say $1 is almost guaranteed (in my perception) because of many factors, most of all the psychological factor that BTC has put on the whole sphere. If people can see this is a viable alternative to the stupid now-only-for-speculators (so sad....bitcoin was designed to be
used) bitcoin network then the value of $1 vs what people know could one day be $10,000 is nothing. People who believe in the project and know (somehow I guess) that adoption will occur, could be willing to buy them up to $100.
Only time will tell, but it's all going to come down to adoption. The speculative market is ruining crap, but also forces more eyes to look into crypto, which has to lead to at least a slow natural growth. If EON can get a steady, natural adoption then the sky is the limit with the price but it doesn't even matter because it will be WAY cooler to be part of a good project that you can tell people you were in early, than it does to just say you got rich off crypto.
For the record, a considering the speculative factor, I can say as a betting man that I would wager not many people in the ICO even knew about the multiplier of unsold tokens..... So just from a black and white economic standpoint there's no way you can automatically presume the value has decreased (by the multiplied amount) as people bought into the ICO prepared to pay what they thought was 6.7x LESS tokens. If people were willing to pay .0002 btc per EON with no knowledge of the multiplier, then the market value (if enough people didn't know about the multiplier...which I bet they didn't) IS the .0002btc...as they were willing to trade for that knowing the price could go up or down.
Again, doesn't mean people will list for $2... but I highly....highly doubt you're going to see anyone other than bounty guys dumping early for less than $1, AND if the price does start high then all the bounty dumpers will just fuel the fire. No one wants to get greedy and count their chickens, but be ready for $1, if they can quickly pull off fiat-EON trading.