Exscudo is always marketing, and not thinking about the community, Exscudo should be able to become a project with its own blockchain, which is in the position of the top 100 coinmarketcap !, but they don't seem to have that goal, too bad.
We have waited long enough and still no good results on the project, if I'm not mistaken, this existed for 2 years already and not every gaining a decent volume.
two year is quite long time, right now they should be on top of coinmarketcup , any reason why they did not listed their coin on exchange?
For what need in this?
We (users) have own exchange, with our rules. You can propose any coin to exscudo ecosystem.
Chip&quick. No fee, dude
Obviously, you either a paid shiller or didn't invest in the ICO, cos does of us that have been around since inception realize that this group is nothing but pure scammers, and the only reason they not in jail is because this is crypto and they based in east Europe
Yeah. Sherlock, you right. Cause I'm invested in project, participated in bounty program, believe in project for today and not cry'n like a little bitch. You doing something more than looking price?
Hey mr genuis shiller, you do realize that this guy completed their ico in summer 2017, and all they have to show for it in 2019 is a buggy exchange with zero volume. What is your dumbass doing, since you proclaim to be doing so much. please breakdown what they fuck you doing for us bitches that are unaware. You just a single soul shilling a dead cat from establish scammers, and have the guts to act like you doing something worthy. Piece of shit.
Stop cry'n.
|||||||||||||| 24.hrs.vol |||||
BTC/EON ||| 1000 EON |||
EON/BTC ||| 0.2782 BTC |||
DASH/BTC ||| 0.25 DASH |||
ETC/EON ||| 0.1 ETC |||
LTC/BTC ||| 0.02 LTC |||
BCH/EON ||| 0.01 BCH |||
ETH/EON ||| 0.01 ETH |||
ETH/EUR ||| 0.01 ETH |||
BTC/EUR ||| 0.0001 BTC |||
It's not a zero, clown. Be like a king - sell your 3 coins and leave that conversation.
You are investing or get some EON from bounty?
I understand you, you have some amount of this coin, which not worth anything. You are a little bit disappointed, but still, defend this trash and hope it will happen something spectacular.
Sorry mate, EXSCUDO project is dead, forget about him and move on.
Both ways. And third - buy'n on exchange not every day, but a lot of times.
Have a social experiment: node with 100000 EON -
EON-VY83M-U346X-TLVENAnswer on get blocks generated by EON-VY83M-U346X-TLVEN
2019-08-07 19:03:00 EON-B-NKXPN-GF6ZS-JQHAJ 0 trns
2019-08-07 19:00:00 EON-B-2EXPN-GKAWJ-EQ4PW 0 trns
2019-08-07 18:21:00 EON-B-W4VPN-GKDB5-36AKU 0 trns
2019-08-07 18:18:00 EON-B-AXUPN-GPU56-6JZFN 0 trns
2019-08-07 17:24:00 EON-B-2SRPN-GB7GU-NYGHK 1 trns +0.000010
2019-08-07 17:00:00 EON-B-2DQPN-GFRP3-9NYBT 0 trns
2019-08-07 16:00:00 EON-B-JULPN-GXNCH-FRVMQ 0 trns
2019-08-07 15:12:00 EON-B-J2JPN-GFVDC-4QMBY 0 trns
2019-08-07 14:45:00 EON-B-WFGPN-GPP4M-MPTPL 0 trns
2019-08-07 13:54:00 EON-B-AGDPN-GXL9H-B5GPP 0 trns
2019-08-07 12:54:00 EON-B-SX9PN-G78EM-NUXXN 0 trns
2019-08-07 11:24:00 EON-B-2P4PN-GBEWG-GMDMZ 1 trns +0.000010
2019-08-07 11:03:00 EON-B-NF3PN-GTSVR-23F9W 1 trns +0.000005
2019-08-07 08:21:00 EON-B-WXRNN-GKZZB-68LVV 0 trns
2019-08-07 07:33:00 EON-B-W5PNN-GKJKB-DZCYZ 3 trns +0.000015
2019-08-07 06:54:00 EON-B-SULNN-GTXFJ-8SKQU 0 trns
2019-08-07 04:54:00 EON-B-STDNN-GKHP9-LBWGK 0 trns
2019-08-07 04:30:00 EON-B-SECNN-GBFF4-LUEYK 0 trns
2019-08-07 04:27:00 EON-B-69CNN-GTGNW-VETLK 0 trns
2019-08-07 04:24:00 EON-B-J3CNN-GKWZL-UY6ZP 0 trns
Total fee: 0.000040 EON
Total balance (EON): 0.001065