Don't let this main thread get ruined by anxious bounty hunters!
And for those trolls talking trashs about our bounty hunters...
Bounty hunters have every right to be here.
There was a bounty offered for marketing and promotional purposes and they participated in this specific one.
There were, and are, other bounties much more lucrative but they chose this one.
If you didn't take advantage of this opportunity, then that's your loss.
But bashing someone who did makes absolutely no sense.
How can people not talk "trashs", all you bounty hunters seem to do is complain about not getting your stupid bounties. Majority of you guys will probably just cash out right away. If y'all would just all STFU, stop crying, and be patient then this forum would be a lot less cluttered with nonsense. No one this thread cares if you got your bounty or not, send an email to the devs. They mentioned this a hundred times on this thread, yet you stupid bounty hunters keeping complaining on here!!!
Agree. They can sell all their shares for quick bucks. We can scoop more cheap shares. Exscudo has potential but it will need time. According to their white paper they won't be able to execute their vision until 2018 and beyond. Smart investors will wait and buy more while people sell cheap.
we cant blame these people. they just want their efforts be rewarded.
another thing is that, i think they will not complain as long as the team also keep an update about the issues on the dashboard
or will fix that immediately.