In fact, if you search his posts you'll discover that he is active on this thread.
I'm hoping he'll answer these questions, posted recently:
Could you please point me to where I can see that the stuff on roadmap so far are actually done?
Who is the escrow?
You claim you used 4 MLN Usd to build everything on the roadmap so far, can you prove that you used this kind of money to build it?
You claim that you had 50 people working within the team, can we at least see 15-20 of them or proof that they exist?
I thought we would be able to try the mobile app before the ICO? It is just a few days left, will we be able to try it or not?
Thanks for bringing it up again, Im waiting for the answers. It is quite amazing that the ICO starts soon and they suddenly got inactive here. If you want people's money the least you could do it is to be here everyday and answer questions.