I would like to say some words here. I can understand that many people who have not been as long with this project are frustrated with the low amount of communication and slow progress. But I know from my own work that quality takes time. Cryptocoderz is one of the most friendly and honest devs I know, he would never scam or make profit from harming other people. He's the kind of guy who gives away his own money to help other people. Unfortunately he also has his own life of course, and may not always be available. He has already understood the problem of making forecasts about future updates that turned out to be inaccurate because unforeseen problems, and has agreed to not make any specific announcement dates any more until things get released.
For some of you who might not have noticed, the first half of the upcoming update is already pushed on Github. The release is still pending to not have "partial" releases (which might be debatable).
He's not checking out this forum very often specifically because of the unproductive discussions that take place here.
I would agree that having one or two more "core devs" would help a lot. The importance of marketing and exchanges is debatable IMO. The problem with finding more devs is that it is difficult to find people who really know what they're doing, and also want to join the project. There are not so many competent cryptocurrency devs nowadays, who don't already have their own project. If you want to contribute, I'm sure you will be welcomed. There have been other people joining the project who have experience in Qt design, website design, android UIs etc. Educated blockchain devs are more difficult to find. Jon Zaretsky (Cryptocoderz) is certainly one of them.
The other projects on the Cryptocoderz website are external projects that the team has made maintenance contracts with to do the actual coding. If the projects are dead, it's not Cryptocoderz fault, but the owner's of the specific project.