Well.. I have faith in this one, even if it was the most disastrous coin for me:
1. I did not participated in any Reverse-ICO or giveaways, so i have 0 free coins
2. I lost some LTC buying ESP on novaexchange (about 150MN ESP)
3. I lost some LTC buying ESP on empirex (about 30MN ESP still pending after 4 weeks)
But as I said, I'm a romantic warrior and things like that don't bother me.
Good luck and happy work.
PM us your address... We'll make sure you get something.
and thank you for your support
If any of the devs have the time to check out the wallet used for "Monetary Unit" cryptocoin, I think a few features could be added and expanded upon. Chat feature, market data and ability to purchase espers in the wallet will be crucial further down the road as the coin matures. I'm sure the devs can do a great job rolling out features and upgrades as they see fit, but just wanted to put in a little advice. Hope it's helpful!
Actually what you have mentioned are all things we are working on, just want to surprise the community in a good way when all this comes out and is live.
Don't worry we are very pro-active, thank you for looking out for us in such a manner.
I wish dev can implement several feature in wallet application
- Marketplace,digital goods,buy n sell
- Services
- simple gaming (optional)
so people can use their espers, it just idea.
It's all coming,
Just hang on we are working as quickly as we can you bring you folks awesome stuff.
The marketplace is a tad tricky however, to insure that user's receive the goods they are buying we need to make sure there is a proper system in place. We do not do half ass.
I sense a subtle attempt to pump MUE lol
It's still other communities heading over here to promote, tbh that's a big confidence boost
I too lost a lot of coins with nova and empirex.
I still love this community and am sure we will be changing lives in future with ESP.
PM us your address... We'll make sure you get something.
and thank you for your support