The limitation of 19999999.99999999 ESP for one transaction is really annoying when people withdraws almost one 500 millions or more. This causes a lot of manual work on my side.
All transactions that is above this amount will get status Delayed and taken care of manually when I am available.
I really would appreciate if this limitation would be lifted in an update since ESP is such huge amounts it would just make send that you actually could send huge amounts in the transactions aswell.
This has nothing to do with our client.
I have sent 4Billion to team members as per the ANN and had no issues
Please check your system before making accusations. Besides this would be obvious as reverse ICO participants received 303M in one transaction
Sorry for the accusations sir,
But please answer me why it is saying "Invalid amount" as soon as a transaction is bigger than 21000000.00000000 this is not due to a lot of inputs, those gets the error "To large transaction" and has been workaround.
See here this is an example sending the coins internally in the wallet, however sending to someone gives the same error.
This one is valid
esp@xxxx:~$ coind sendtoaddress EHtQPnPQzjUQ2ccKjF9xtUxeeMtB1SDU43 21000000.00000000
This one is not.
esp@xxxx:~$ coind sendtoaddress EHtQPnPQzjUQ2ccKjF9xtUxeeMtB1SDU43 21000001.00000000
error: {"code":-3,"message":"Invalid amount"}
What am I doing wrong here?