WOW 23 LTC already almost #2 on LTC market on nova.. i think LTC was the right way to go guys. Keep it up. Let's push this up to satoshi markets soon. I know we don't care much about price right now because we're features driven right guys?
But it's still very fun to play with this many coins and watch the market.
I now have almost 1 BILLION of these coins from mining and the giveaway and am loving this so much.
mining capabilities of the wallet? thanks in advanced mate hope CC will let me know this one, just wanna have
this as many as I can hahaha.
How to mine ESPER guide:
Load esper cpuminer on a flash drive and learn about stealth software. go install it at all the evil big box stores like best buy and staples. let it run. LOL.
Yeah let's not talk about stuff like that in this forum. I was definitely joking 100% and I don't condone that either