ctGiant is a part of our team and so we restructured our payout to include him and are no longer receiving the original 1% that was agreed upon.
In other words, heres the math... 5% - 0.2% = 4.8% going to the devs, with now an additional 0.2% held for the NEXT giveaway, we will transfer it to the giveaway address (fund) once the 18th has gone by at which point we will post the public giveaway address for anyone wishing to support the cause since the initial one is going well.
If anyone has any questions about the structure please refer to the updated OP. Additionally if your question about the structure is not answered by reading the OP please ask and we will answer you.
Um no....
Those were projects ctGiant personally assisted with and did NOT include any other member of CryptoCoderz
To be specific the projects CryptoCoderz was/is involved with is as follows: 020Londoncoin, Hirocoin, Binarycoin and Espers.