Good day! No, I did not go through the computer at all. I use the blochein wallet that I created on my phone. He made his wallet in June 2018. The key is stored on paper.
So, can you tell us what's this all about?
Please be more specific and elaborate if there is a problem.
I wrote in support:
I came in through the phone!!! And there I have Google authenticator and
fingerprint to send coins!!! You will see they are still in the blockchain.
I didn't send those coins to ether.
0x95c3c79f38be7d49632f764c65f43275a4c46d32d020cdc69cd4420f1d0f7b87 that
transaction. You check how and from what IP address sent or Android has a
vulnerability? The stolen coins are still in the thief's purse. Try to
return them to me. You have a limit of $ 1000 how could you send? So You're
to blame for this. Give me back my aether coins-I'll go to the police!
Trace the IP address of the thief. You must take action to recover the
funds. I'll go to the media!!! You'll be compromised. I have no viruses on
my computer! I didn't use the computer at all! Take steps to return the
funds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why didn't all your defenses work??? You must
пн, 25 мap. 2019 г. в 14:50, Blockchain <
[email protected]>: