Again, where is the data to back up the claim that there are 20 times more CPUs mining other coins than there are GPUs mining Ethereum?
I care nothing about benchmarks and hashrate estimates the way you present them.
If you can use the estimates to show the 20x relationship described above I will credit you with original research.
My family is from the India, Punjab and they are from a farming heritage!
If, you want too call me CHAV - then I'll stick up up for those downtrodden people - why not? However, I do not where sports clothing
I have brother who graduated from Cambridge University, another graduated from University College London. Another, who went to London School Economics, but dropped out too pursue other interests.
As for myself, I do have problems with writing English - grammar, spelling and so on. Therefore, I didn't enjoy school and didn't excel, especially in written timed exams.
My IQ is 142, which (at the time) was 5 points short of joining MENSA, but I was smoking cigarettes at the time and that takes 7 points of IQ test results.
You did not read the original post: the person's post was a digression "20X this number of CPUs are already in use for other altcoins". Their digression was: there is 20X times CPUs in usage too the number of GPUs, with relation to GPUs on needed for 51% attack on that other coin (not at all relevant too Ethereum).
Therefore, the person posting is saying that their are 800,000 CPUs mining ALTs, which there is no way too validate, even if you had an interest in mining with CPUs.
But, if you do mine with CPUs - you would be able to work too do a rough calculation by adding up hashrates for ALTs that have CPU mining on them and dividing that by the average hashrate per CPU.
Pretty tedious too do