I'll not be available all the week-end from now (or soon ^^).
I hope you'll all take care of the young eTok
I'll able to start replying my messages on Monday. If someone ask me, please lead him/her to my Private Messages box and explain I'm not available.
Thanks !
Now I'll speak a little about the eTOK futur.
I want the altcoin community aware of this. I'll share to externals when we will about to release.
eToken is an electronic supply, aka crypto-currency, altcoin or so.
Because the eToken community is very active we reached a good state of integration.
eToken isn't born to be only a coin. The team is working step-by-step on services considering altcoins.
The first service we are going to try, will be a market place. It's very experimental right now, some setup you'll read may change.
The community is missing a market for altcoin to altcoin. It's easy to buy altcoins for LTC or BTC right now. But what about BAT to FCK ? RPC for COL ? Or any else.
So the eToken team is currently developing this marketplace. We should release it in the next days or weeks, after some private beta-tests, with peoples from the public.
eToken-Cryptomarket (let's say eTOK-C) will not work like most exchanges.
Only 4 altcoins will be listed: making 6 pairs. So you can exchange coin1 for coin2, 3 and 4. Ect...
Every weeks or so, we rotate, and list other altcoins.
Each time the market close to rotate, offers are cancelled and your altcoins send on your addresses. Else, you can withdraw (/deposit) any-time.
On the 4 altcoins, one will always be eToken. One will be voted by peoples, the team will decide the lasts.
The conditions te be listed on eTOK-C are:
- the coin have to be a small one. We don't want exchange smalls versus bigs as the usual.
- the coin wasn't already in the last list (except for eTOK).
- the coin have to be at least 1 week old (understand: no pre-listing).
- we won't try to get the devs approval to add the coin. But in the case they ask, we won't list it.
- we are neutral and expect to have visitors from all the world. So we won't accept coins about political things, religious, ect...
How the trade system will work ?
Trades work by stacks. You can buy/sell the stack you want.
Each offer live 24h, after this delay the offer is cancelled and back to your account.
What about fees ?
Trades will have no fees,
deposits will have no fees,
we will apply a 1% fee on withdraw, except for eTOK, at 0%.
A small picture for the eyes. It's an example picture (
the coins here will not be listed it's just to show), but the main design is here: