BUNCH OF NEWS 17.10.20141. There are 2 more Gridseed dual miners for sale at
http://outlet.exclusivecoin.pw - members of mailing list got this mailed around 30 mins ago.
2. The outlet rule of "1 item per person" will not be live anymore. Now buy as many as you can and take advantage of your speeds. I will be ALWAYS posting days on which items will be added to shop but right on time will be there only by mailing list.
3. The multipool is coming, it wll have Sha256, X11, X13 and Scrypt. I assume it will take around 24h to make it live.
4. One decent hotel placed at one of beautiful islands in hot country contacted me so we will be making disocunts for their rooms. This wont be done until i feel theres enough community to push such big promotion so its a future plan - but just shows where we are heading.
5. If you have a company or your friends do and would liek to get some promotion with EXCL outlet - just PM me here or mail excl @ finkingdom.com
6. Cryptsy needs more chats about EXCL on their trollbox, what you guys waiting for ?