Factom secures important paper documents on the blockchain with Smartrac
Maybe not the biggest thing right now, but it seems to have some potential.
This is a big deal, SmartTrac is the largest RFID provider in the world and currently produces 2.6 billion transponders annually and growing. After Dloc integration that number will likely rise and be backed by the Factom blockchain; pretty impressive news past few days or so regardless of what some daytraders on polo think.
I did some very loose calculations for what we can expect on a full roll out for entry consumption on this RFID partnership. At "full exposure" of the current RFID being produced by smart trac we could see on the low end 11.5 million entries a month or 140 million entries annually; on the high end 746 million entries per month, 8.9 billion entries annually.
Obviously these numbers are just a guess, we won't know more accurate numbers until after the presentation to the public next week. https://www.trustech-event.com/Trustech-exhibition-discover-the-International-event-of-payment/Cartes-trade-show-became-Trustech-discover-what-s-new/The-global-event-dedicated-to-payment-identification-and-mobility-Trustech-trust-based-technologies
If anyone is wondering where I got my data/sources I used this PDF https://www.smartrac-group.com/files/content/About%20us/SMARTRAC_Company_Presentation.pdf