In recent days Bittrex started to freeze accounts for no apparent reason and support tickets remain unanswered for days. That was enough for me to move even my trading stash back to my wallet.
I am in the same position as you were before. I have all my FCT in Poloniex and I would like to move them to a wallet outside the exchanges.
Since I have FCT I wanted to move them to a wallet but the paper wallet is too complicated for me.
I didn't know that Exodus Eden wallet supports FCT. But.. "Exodus Eden wallet" is different wallet than "Exodus".
On the Exodus website says:
- We recommend Eden for advanced users only. Normal Exodus users SHOULD NOT USE Eden.
- Eden is unsupported, pre-release software - things are likely to break.
- To be clear, the Exodus customer support team will not be able to help if you experience any problems with Eden.
Please can you give an update about the usability of Eden wallet. Is it easy to use? Do you need to be a tech guy? Is secure to have the coins in this wallet?
Have you tried factom's Enterpize wallet?
It's very easy to use and more safe than exodus IMO, you have total control on your private keys