FAIR NINJA offer an online shopping,this is the advanced technologies that offer lots of advantages for people.
it can save their time because they do not waste time searching through in many places to find any products.
Internet has many kinds of products from every corner of the world. according to the changing of people’s consumption behavior in this millennium,
online shopping gradually become influential for people‘s life style because its offers lots of advantages.
The good thing in Fair Ninja is that, it is global online classified marketplace. We can import and export products in abroad. If I want to buy products made in USA or Japan then I can buy it efficiently. But we will not do that unless there is no project like Fair Ninja will exist. So, we should this project until the end.
Exactly, almost all goods and products of this project are surplus, I guess this will click by the masses in very nations. Then, The benefits of
online classifieds were clear. There was no space limit, as compared to the printed page, allowing online platforms to publish a nearly unlimited
number of ads. Advertisers could have their offerings found more easily, more quickly, and potentially reach buyers who they may not have
reached previously. And for buyers, online classifieds made it easier to find the products they wanted, often with more variety and choices than
what would be available in printed listings.