Hello guys,
I want to share a little dashboard I've made for my farm. I am using BAMT 1.3 on my rigs, but the web interface was not good enough, I wanted to at least be able to switch pools without sshing to each of my rigs.
Features:* only need to install on one of your rigs
* works on any Linux-based system
* open-source and free
* pretty cool dashboard on which you can monitor all your rigs hashrate, temperature and rejected shares
* ability to add a pool to all of your rigs at the same time, and switch pools on each rig
* anyone can contribute new features (Ruby on Rails project)
Download and installation instructions:https://github.com/mrbrdo/farmcp/blob/master/README.mdDonations welcome: 1NfCD5dEJv6MxwiAFF4S68t4r7QxkCSnPs (BTC)
Screenshots:Let me know if you find it helpful. Security audit welcome, some people are always paranoid
I will also probably implement a simple API, which will be supported in my iOS app (Android coming soon).