I think the investors need more information.
EDIT - Definately once a week payout or you'll kill yourself dealing with it lol
Im running 5 mh/s GPU and 52 CPU Cores.
My daily return is a little less than to yours (per mh/s) because I tame it back a little because mine are not Open Air rigs....
Im trying to go larger scale...so they have to be in a server chassis...
They colud go higher out in the air.... I make up a little for it my co-mining the CPU....
I get about .06-.07 BTC per day on 5 mh/s and .01 on the CPU's
The Dividend today was paid on:
.07 * 2 = .140 * 70% = .98
But the system would let me pay .98 due to minimum per share....
And also I went ahead and paid both Sat & Sun...so it was like a free day...
But it was a good IPO... so I felt like throwing the full day...
With IPO Im just going to keep adding rigs... so... Div will just go up...
.14 (Two days of GPU mining) + .02 (Two Days of CPU mining) = .16 * .7(.7 Being share holder dividend %) = .112
Your math is a bit off, I believe or there are some unknowns I can't calculate.
Are your 52 CPU rigs ready to accept GPUs and are just mining CPU till they get their GPU? Lemme speculate here if thats true.
52 with 2 R9 290x each thats 104 GPU's at 800K/hs safely without running to hot thats 83.2 Mh/s. Using your current rate of return of .07 per 5M/hs thats ~1.16 BTC a day * .7 = .81536 BTC Dividends to shareholders per day. Thats .0000000081536 per share (AT MAX SHARES OF 100,000,000)
So if I own 100,000 Shares I could see a return of (.00081536/Day) or (.00570752/week) or (.02283008/month) or (.27396096/Year)
All I could say is that by the time the final shares a are pushed out I hope there will be more than than 104 GPUs in use!
.06 GPU + .01 CPU = .07 *2 = .14 < choosing 70% was a trial number. We'll have to see how it goes. A balance between share holders and company.
There are alot of unknowns
And its 52 CORES / not rigs
Rig Count
#1 - 8 cores- 0.8mh/s
#3 - 8 cores- 0.55 mh/s
#4 - 8 cores- 0.55 mh/s
#9 - 6 Cores
#10 - 6 cores- 0.55 mh/s
#11 8 cores - 1.6mh/s
#12 8 cores - 1.0mh/s
6 Dead 7970's - fried - still under warranty... wanna buy 'em???