The faucet has balance left and it will continue to pay untill no balance is left but it will be closet after that.
Sorry for this but without adsense we can't keep paying as we are paying more than we earn.
Those who have over 300 ask your payments now!
Last night I requested over the 300 balance, I seen API error on your site.
Dogecoins not sent.
What do you mean closed the faucet, your notice says this Unfortunately google has banned today !
The faucet has balance left and it will continue to pay until no balance is left but it will be closed after that.
Sorry for this but without adsense we can't keep paying as we are paying more than we earn.
Those who have over 300 ask your payments now!
I was using it last night, and users are still claiming right now.
Its time for you to shut it down by removing the faucet frame code.
Here look, top one is me.
DCW1xsJtf5mYg5BYbmBEoFBBaioqF1bFV7 1.10959205 DOGE 2016-10-03 18:11:52
DNcJawvMZDPYGCjKqW1ubTvV13T6xMgZVm 1.74191196 DOGE 2016-10-03 18:11:50
DSEMjwXhqhFEyjDqA4uf88L2zS84w7kXTY 1.33891373 DOGE 2016-10-03 18:11:47
D7Ny1vLdembhHRgmrP9vAZWyQ4gfgCza8E 1.68971535 DOGE 2016-10-03 18:11:40
D8RMDWwSQFgy3zT9muJUhAcHiJMPyNfESk 1.30918232 DOGE 2016-10-03 18:11:25
DG3179Gu4iPQeGyCpbDzVYjdF4ke3KsZG3 1.07332718 DOGE 2016-10-03 18:11:23
DNyr9Hxx7Ps1s9zrhZHNZNuLwevndjFxxB 1.10636193 DOGE 2016-10-03 18:11:17
DHYW9DdwJSSmS19t9TQPU2HBmmuoEpKJvc 1.51931805 DOGE 2016-10-03 18:11:10
DHZRQLrxhQ52xrtqeECQTuhKbU9abFJkQL 1.49276454 DOGE 2016-10-03 18:11:07
D5NokmAmsX1WKBksehxGhwCmVkuEAAcjvs 1.22488152 DOGE 2016-10-03 18:11:00
DFsUTJ8y7NCmmzxYTaL1TNKKFJbyQUy4wZ 1.0173221 DOGE 2016-10-03 18:11:00
D78C6HS3iXie3ZWQYT6AhSNYoTAP3FwcsR 1.76287157 DOGE 2016-10-03 18:10:58