50mh/s? which coin were you mining? thought it was BTC, no?
Good question. I forgot everyone does not have Haslets. This is 50mh/s of hashlets that mine on the zenpool. This is GAW miners private pool that mine scrypt and pays out in BTC.
Current average payouts for the zenpool are 0.00065035 BTC per mh. Anyone that has miners there can confirm this. This means the avg payout for this miner should be .0325175 per day. Of course all of this changes with time and are only averages. My hope is we will slowly build the hash up here once I start paying people out. We do not know what coins they mine but they have paid out consistently. Please let me know if there is anything else I can clarify. There is a .08cent per day per mh maintenance fee which will lower the payout slightly.