FAIL. You did not answer the question. Again : What if the person holding the coins does not let them stake? What if they remove the stake every day and do not let it compound? How are you going to calculate your penalty? On presumed compounding stake amount? Or on presumed stake based on removing the staked coins every day? Or once a week? What? What gives you the legal authority to make this determination? What gives you legal authority to impose whatever penalty you decide on the coin holder? Please explain and quit trying to deflect the question.
We will calcute on compound basis untill otherwise agreed mutually and it depends up on deal
Then what is this deal? Are you just going to make these deals up as you go and expect people to buy your scamcoin? You need to figure this out BEFORE you announce your scamcoin. You have a very poor grasp on how to do this sort of thing, I can see why you fit in so well at Hashtalk. Oh, by the way, are your pals on Hashtalk aware that you were dumping Paycoins on Cryptsy as early as January , and then continuously after that? Were you telling them that you were dumping?
You :-) i am selling or buying xpy its my private matter because i am not from gaw :-) i am normal buyer of the xpy and i will sell when the price go down and buy when it goes low.
So keep distance from my personal things :-) else i will be forced to go personal :-)
So you are not going to answer the questions about how you intend to enforce this stake penalty ? I am not surprised, because it is clear that you have no idea what you are doing.
I did not say that you should not trade Paycoins. What I said was that hanging out on Hashtalk and pretending to be a bagholder while at the same time dumping coins means that you are a disingenuous chump. This exchange is based on people trusting YOU, and you are proving to be a total snake that continuously lies to those whom you call your friends. Building an exchange is about TRUST, and in this case you are proving repeatedly that you are not someone that anyone should trust. Get it yet?
And you fool dumping means selling thousands of coin to down the price. And trade means buying and selling daily to get some profit :-)
First learn the terminology