▶ It's all about power! Look at the world around you, everything is about power. Who has the nicest job, the best haircut and above all the most shining car. With Flanders
we want to make an end to the So called OLD wealth. With Flanders we want to start over. By using Flanders it does not matter whether you originate from being poor, modest or rich. ▶ All people who start using Flanders from the very first moment will have so much benefits. Our coin project is going to rely on a growing community. Thus the more souls, the more users and the most stability for the coin and to succeed in a enormous ongoing growth. Thus a rather tiny investment in Flanders coin is going to be worth so much more.
▶ Are you going to give us a try? Just read our topic and join our
Algorithm Scrypt PoW/PoS
Address letter F
RPC port 28338
P2P port 28337
Total coin supply 430m
Premine 20p
POS 98% per year
POW Finished
Block reward Finished
Maturity 3 blocks
Target spacing 1 min
Target timespan 1 block
Transaction confirmations 4 blocks
ROADMAP▶ q2 / 2018
- Development of our coin project.
- Development and launch of the first two wallet Windows/Linux
- Publication of Flanders to Bitcointalk
- Launch of our Community hangout at Discord
- Setup of earning several events within the discord
- Growing our community to several hundred members.
- Preparations for our website.
- Finishing our website.
- Paid submition to the first exchange.
- Listing at the first exchange.
- Reaching a minimal of 100.000$ trading volume.
- Submition and listing at CMC.
▶ q3 / 2018
- Start of advertising campaigns.
- Several grandprize events
- Growing the community above 1000 members
- Launch at second exchange.
- Meme contest
- Logo / design Contest
- Several huge invitation contests
▶ q4 / 2018
- Development of our own market place
- Big prizes for community members to help us promote the community within several stages
- Pre-launch of our Flanders marketplace, where people can buy and sell products with Flanders.
- Development of Mac and Android wallet
- Launch of Mac/Android Wallet
▶ q1 / 2019:
- Official launch of our Flanders marketplace
- Several airdrops and events to gain tons of exposure
- The launch at a third exchange.
- More to come.
DOWNLOADS Linux Wallet!TOw0CCRZ!4FoI5LZDBt6e7_Bg-ErxHfRsjtiqL-CEhCAZVH5-gREWindows Wallet!DXhD1QIR!Sna4Ln-I9CWvPPjTLF6wF98DktMAEGaKhaHJ9ss40SkSource
Discord for the latest giveaways.
Active: Twitter and invitation bounty. We also arranged a logo contest.
Feel free to participate by joining our Discord channel: TWITTER just opened our Twitter page doors. Please do not hesitate to start following us. Thanks a lot!