Definitely, and from there more and more directors, writers, musicians, will take their stuff there.
But, as long as there is NO update at all, even I think this project is busted. Hope I’m wrong though..
You are not wrong. No updates mean a big red flag. It means the dev has left.
I still think there’s a >50% probability the platform will launch. AT OUR WALLET! Anyone with a keyboard and 1/2 a brain will see that not one FLIK coin has moved from our wallet!
T.I. and I have a combined net worth in the tens of millions. You’d have to be a complete idiot to think we’d risk our careers and our financial fortunes for $240,000.
When you harass my family, you’ve crossed a line and will be dealt with. The emotional, physical, and mental wellbeing of my family comes first for me. Period. I currently own 6 companies, and in all of my years in business, I’ve never had a family member threatened or otherwise harassed…
ICO’s/Tokens are a double edged sword. They open up direct access to thousands of micro investors which gives start-ups the potential to get $100 million + valuations virtually over-night, which FLiK is capable of but it also means having to deal with horrible trolls and micro investors who think you owe them the world.
Given Ryan’s albeit justified reaction, it’s also possible that anyone who doesn’t want FLiK to succeed could pretend to be a disgruntled harassing investor and put him off. delayed launch can be attributed to one primary factor: licensed content. The OTT (over-the-top) video streaming platform FLiK is deploying is ready to go.
Obviously that was over 2 months ago which is concerning but given,
- The lack of movement of FLiK shares in main address
- The reputation risk over so little $
- The huge $ potential of a platform like FLiK
- The fact that work clearly continued till at least two months ago
... It seems unlikely FLiK is done but more likely that Ryan is not a fan of constantly dealing with micro-investors & trolls at this stage.
If that is the case, it’s quite clear that FLiK ultimately needs a marketing director to communicate and interact with the public and also to be a filter and buffer against the trolls. That way FLiK builds community support during the development phase while Ryan can focus on ‘the big picture’, literally too