Net hash rate is 130-140 MH/s. This means that average payout per day per 1MH/s should be 250*60*24 FOX / 130MH/s = 2770 FOX / Mh/s. Why on average payout per day per 1MH/s is 10 FOX?
You will get more then 10 coins a day - check luckyminers or unitedminers pool stats. 1MH/s are more than 1000 coins a day at current difficulty.
Yeah, I know that. I should earn more that 1000 FOX per 1MH/s per day, but why on are such low stats...??
The stats are just messed up. It says I should get 1 coin per day and I've already mined around 25 in the couple hours I've been mining on the pool.