@jtimon, as it stands now we have enough to finish the minimal Freicoin client (based on Bitcoin-Qt, not Armory) and release it without any fan-fare or associated services. And we will, even if donations stop today.
The goal of the Indiegogo campaign is to take it far enough that enough of an ecosystem exists for merchants to start accepting freicoins as-is, and to create marketing materials for people on the ground to use to explain and promote the currency. About 5-10% will be spent on the basic core, another 25-35% on services and features that are necessary for use, and about 40% on the website, video, and promotional material. The rest, unfortunately, goes to Indiegogo fees and taxes :\
Thank you for explaining that. Does the 5-10% include merged mining with bitcoin and namecoin or that goes in the services part?
Is the reward for miners constant or there's complicated calculations at the time of the transaction?
I know you think your way is easier to implement, but I still disagree. A constant reward for miners and the following formula to check the balance of an output is much easier.
What I thought was necessary for libbitcoin (didn't test anything)
We replace int64 CTxOut::getValue() for
int64 CTxOut::getValue(int nHeight) {
return this.nValue - (this.nValue * DEMURRAGE_RATE * (nHeight - this.blockNumber));
2) replace
int64 static GetBlockValue(int nHeight, int64 nFees)
int64 nSubsidy = 50 * COIN;
// Subsidy is cut in half every 4 years
nSubsidy >>= (nHeight / 210000);
return nSubsidy + nFees;
int64 static GetBlockValue(int nHeight, int64 nFees)
int64 nSubsidy = 50 * COIN; //or another constant
return nSubsidy + nFees;
or something like
this if you want the max base to be issued faster. I find my solution simpler and cleaner than yours. Also better for miners and the security of the network. Please, reconsider that decision too.
I don't want to seem distrustful, but I've already spent many hours promoting the concept and if I promote your campaign and then it ends up in nothing...that would be very harmful for all my previous efforts, adding "scam" connotations to the name of the currency itself.
I would prefer to code freicoin instead of the shit I code at work, but I don't care if you get pay to do it.
It's not about the credit neither. I don't like articles like
this one in which "Freicoin, created by NASA engineers...", but seriously, is not about the credit.
For me It's all about the success of Freicoin.
When I see it working I will be happy to give up the domain freicoin.org, give you the small bounty I store and thank you a lot.
But until now I've only seen posts from you. I don't even know if you're a NASA scientist or a Silicon Valley entrepreneur.
I hope you can understand my worries.