I’d like to see a little more clarification on the pricing structure. Let’s build a hypothetical situation where I purchase 10,000 WTT tokens.
These 10,000 WTT tokens get me 10kW of mining space and a power rate of 2.8¢ per kWh. If I dropped my own mining rigs in there, what would the additional cost be for Gigawatt to run and maintain my miners? Your original post lists a 3.3¢ per kWh hosting fee for token owners. Assuming this includes power, that would imply Gigawatt is charging 0.5¢ per kWh for maintenance?
Now, getting a little more complicated, what sort of fees would be incurred if I had no mining rigs and wanted Gigawatt to find renters, fill my mining space, and manage it all for me?
Thank you for the information!
I'd be happy to clarify it for you
If you decide to drop your rigs in there, you would actually be getting reduced hosting fee, and you would also pay installation fee of $20 per Asic miner or $40 per GPU miner, depending on what you decide to send in. With WTT tokens, your rental fee drops to 0, and you would only be paying 3.3¢ per kWh, that is correct. Maintenance of 0.5¢ per kWh is already included in 3.3¢ price.
It's not so complicated actually, see for yourself
using this calculator. With renting out 10,000 tokens to other miners, you could potentially earn anywhere from $3679.20 of annual rental income (assuming you picked 4.2¢/kW/h rental fee) to $5650.20 (that is with 6.45¢/kW/h rental fee). You decide which rental fee to pick. There will be dashboard, where you would be able to find miners with matching fees in your cabinet in Giga Watt's account. You wouldn't need to manage much, besides choosing what type of payout you would have (BTC, LTC, ETH) - just sit back and enjoy the ride
Thank you, I understand the pricing better now.
Now, if I were to rent out my tokens, I'd obviously want to select the highest rental fee possible. But Giga Watt will only have a limited number of customers in the higher hosting-fee tier. How will it be determined who gets to "host" the more profitable miners. Will token holders who want to rent their space have priority over Giga Watt? Who has priority between two token holders?
Thank you for taking the time to help us understand the different ways we can use the WTT tokens!