I want to share what happened to me some time ago to warn everybody and to make aware that we are dealing with very specific instruments, so caution and "triple-checking" is the only way to go.
That was always my motto "triple-check" which means that I check everything at least a couple of times when dealing with cryptocurrencies but mistakes happen and that is exactly what happened to me lately. I always thought that dealing with established and trusted exchanges (like Coinbase Pro, Kraken or Poloniex) could be helpful when it comes to problems with errors or even pure customer support.
I always tried to avoid small exchanges and if there were any signs from the community that some exchanges are scammy, I haven't used them no matter what.
Some time ago I have used Digital Gold Marketplace and for the first time, something went wrong because of my mistake/error. As you know we have to send GOLD tokens to a special address when doing an exchange on the market. As always, I used the "copy and paste" feature but something went wrong. The address which I finally have used to send GOLD tokens to Marketplace was the destination address from my Coinbase Pro ETH deposit address (where the exchanged ETH should be sent to from Digital Gold Marketplace) because it was the last one remembered in my clipboard (copy and pasted a few minutes earlier).
Of course, this is only my fault and my mistake, but still, I fill totally disappointed because it seems to be an easy and obvious case, but I can't do nothing and the money seem to be lost, at least for now. I can see my GOLD tokens sitting in my Coinbase ETH address, but support keeps telling me: "we can do nothing". It is hard to understand or accept because it's enough to send GOLD tokens back to me, but Coinbase keeps repeating "because of the security of keys we can do nothing", additionally "we don't support GOLD token" at least for now.
This is an obvious BS for me because there are already multiple similar cases on Reddit, worth hundreds dozens of dollars going back to 2017 and even after the implementation of these specific assets on Coinbase pro exchange, people never get back those mistakenly send tokens or cryptocurrencies, no matter what. It's truly hard to understand because Coinbase doesn't steal all these assets, no.
They let them sit there for years, just like my GOLD tokens right now. Very strange because on other exchanges (to be funny those once called "scammy") it was and still is in many cases possible to get such mistakenly sent funds back after paying a high fee, sometimes truly insane fee, but still there is a possibility at least to get something back. Of course, high costs are interpreted on a "case by case" basis and depend on how complicated the case is/was, at least I heard such an explanation from a support team on one of the exchanges.
I just want to warn you. Keep checking everything three times, keep being suspicious and really no matter how much experience you already have don't distract yourself when dealing with cryptocurrencies, especially when doing any form of transactions. Just like me, when I was busy sending one, I got a call to my door, so quickly accepted the transaction without proper "triple-checking" and boom, with a click of a button I have lost 300$. This was my first (such) mistake and instantly a lesson, I should just wait, cancel the transaction and do it later, when I will be able to focus myself properly.
Here are my GOLD tokens sitting in my Coinbase Pro ETH deposit address and waiting to be eaten up by the daily fees. Luckily it will take a while