Please move to this new threads:
This Threads will be closed in weeks.We will maintenance the server for some days. During this period please do not send dogecoins anymore
We will ANN a new address for POL then.
An exchange may come soon.
Good LuckFirst 4000000 doge reward out now:Inputaddress:DSH43JhBiCnG2VhPsm3seL7iKfwT8HpYnE
BlockMd5: B1C67EFBEB625DBB
TxMD5: B1B8761CE33BCB41
Our paymenttx:
Good Luck Boy!
Proof of Luck Dogecoin Address:DBgqxyy1ukpU6gJpqtg6iaG6jujt4HXq64IntroductionHayekcoin is a innovative cryptocurrency issued by Hayekpay lottery development team. We have two ambitous goals: one is to create a world biggest lottery system based on the blockchain, the other is to create a real asset backed cryptocurrency. We set the currency unit as HAYEK to memorize Prof. Friedrich Augus van Hayek who set the economical theritical ground of bitcoin. We think when we us satoshi to mark the bicoin unit, we should not forget Hayek. There should be a coin unit in hayek.
InnovationHayekcoin is a new type cryptocurrency. It is the first coin distributating through Proof of Luck.
Proof of Luck is based on the dogecoin blockchain, you mining Hayekcoin by send dogecoin to a specific dogecoin address, if you are lucky enough you will get more dogecoins than your input and bulk Hayek.
Post the proof of luck stage it is proof of stake.
SpecificationsBlock Time :60 seconds
Total Suply :2100000000 Coins
Yearly interest:1/1000
Dogecoin Proof of Luck Strategy: left(md5(txhash),$i)= left(md5(blockhash),$i),($i>0)
Halved period: Every 20000 dogecoin block
Hayek Produce Amount: Input*2*(1/2)^((n-738500)/20000)
Minimum input: 1000Doge
Maximum Input: 50000Doge
Note Nobody can bet with more than 50000 DOGE and Less Than 1000 DOGE.
Its illegal since NOW,if you input more than 50000 it will be considered as 50000 doge How Proof of Luck work:This system was based on hash collision. We know, different string have different hash. But if you lucky enough you may find two different text string have same the hash string. This was a collision. It is very difficult to find two different string have absolute same hash.
Based on this, we designed the blockchain based stock.
How to play it:Step 1: You send DOGECOINS to address for bet :
Step 2: Blockchain will calculate the collisiong by compare the md5 hash of the txid generated by you and md5 hash of blockhash generated by miners.
If left(md5(txhash),$i)= left(md5(blockhash),$i),($i>0) you will get more dogecoins than your input the bigger $i is the more dogecoins you will have.
Step 3: Get you hayekcoin.
Where is your hayekcoin? It is in the dogecoin address which you send coins to our bet address. Import the privatekey into the hayekcoin Wallet you will get the hayekcoin in your wallet. To let you know which address you should import into hayekcoin wallet, We will send 1% of coins back to nomatter whether you get a $i>1 during collision. Once you received the coins back to you, you can call the hayek to your wallet.
Thus Note: make sure you participate the POL using your owen wallet, coins from exchange will makeyou lost all you dogecoins and get no hayek.
Bounty for Linux wallet & Mac wallet
Node: Communitywebsites:http://www.hayekpay.comHayek Explorerhttp://explorer.hayekpay.comPOL monitorhttp://monitor.hayekpay.comQQgroup:124879100
Proof of Luck Dogecoin Address:DBgqxyy1ukpU6gJpqtg6iaG6jujt4HXq64Lauch TimeHow much Dogecoin you will win:Mini input needed is 1000 Doge at least:
POL Stage:If $i=1: Input*5 Dogecoins
If $i=2: Input*40 Dogecoins
If $i=3: Input*200 Dogecoins
but restrict to
10 Million max.
Thus it's better send no more than 50 thousands dogecoins per tx to bet when at POL stage
Advised input is 1000 Doge to 50000 Doge
Post POL Stage Your reward:If $i=1: Input*5 Dogecoins (This level decreased )
If $i=2: Input*40 Dogecoins
If $i=3: Input*200 Dogecoins
If $i=4: Input*1000 Dogecoins (New high level)
If $i=5: Input*10000 Dogecoins (New super level)
If $i=6: Input*100000 Dogecoins (New TOP level)
Advised input is 1000 Doge to 50000 Doge
BOUNTY for Translation10000HAYEK per language ,NO google translation plz.
Simplified Chinese translation 10000 hayek for zxbball
Indonesian translation 10000 hayek for iqlimasyadiqa
Spanish translation 10000 hayek for freemind1
Italian translation 10000 hayek for Gicpiglio
Subsequent projectAfter the POL stage an exchange is needed. Our goal is to make the hayek coin be an asset backed coin in an interesting way. And make its price gradully increase to a ideal level.
Dogecoin Deflation Project:
POST POL stage:
1% of dogecoins will be destroyed for each bet-input by sending dogecoins to address without privatekey.
Dogecoin Acknoledgement and Coorpration Project.......