According to our talks with Alcurex, they're going to integrate the HEAT API when they can. seems to intentionally bail out
despite the client source being available on
github, and (still at this time) confidential server code with specific nxt compatible additions delivered to them 15 minutes after their final request. That request arrived after my repeated attempts to contact them yesterday and today about the delivery of wallet and their source requirements. As the reason they stated it's 4 months late, while final delivery timeframe was agreed with them 5 days ago and fulfilled as many of us know. Exact basis for the unbusinesslike behavior of C-CEX in my recent negotiations regarding this matter remains unknown - so we'll deal with that as it is.
Some users still want the heat but are in limbo as to what to expect if you dont sell it back to the exchange.
There will be ample supply of HEAT available outside C-CEX too. We'll have to see about the C-CEX situation how it develops and what portion of the ICO funds if any remain available to us.
The HEAT wallet house test builds already include smooth, decentralized BTC/HEAT exchange among other assets. Any HEAT can be sold directly from the wallet, against decentralized assets that are redeemed through semi-centralized gateway. More about that later.