Whao that Heat launch was the best launch I have ever seen!
Launch date not met - check(twice)
Wallet not working. - check
Not hired anybody - check
No expense sheet delivered - check
Heat team trolling community - check
Community pissed off - check
No status update - check
Most features admittedly not implemented - check
Breach of ICO contract - check
I also love how they rather pushed an update to the website than working on the launch. The website seems to be so very important to them, even more important than any coin. I wonder why? Maybe to lure new morons into their second funding round? Who knows... It seems like they are pretty happy with this status quo where people can trade the non existent heat cooin on exchanges and they don't really need a blockchain...
Token transfer, Asset-to-asset exchange, private blockchain messaging at least are what we're aiming to enable. And some sort of demi-centralized BTC gateway to be able to trade the BTC/HEAT pair with any fluency of moneyflow. The core p2p however still is under configuration, let's see how the rest of the night goes, we need to be pushing ahead like no other.
This was written on 18. Jan, yes, the date the launch was expected! On the same day you still don't know what features are enabled on your shitcoin! This leaves me speechless. Seriously I don't even want to comment on that. If still nobody sees the high level of pure retardation and incompetency then this is what this community deserves! Yes You get what you deserve people! I am done with that ugly smelling piece of shit called heat! I am tired of people telling me to shut up because they want no bad promotion so they hope people don't see how fucked up this coin is. I am tired of that desperation! I am done pointing out the obvious facts that this coin is a pile of horseshit and getting pissed on by stupid people still not recognizing that they have been scammed!
FUCK YOU HEAT!Seriously are fucktards fucking kidding me!? How come everybody knew you would fuck it up again? You 2 disgust me, you are the worst fucking morons I have ever seen. Just give your investors their fucking money back! You are not even worth the memes I post. This incompetence was not met ever in history. My eyes start bleeding when I see any of you two braintumors!