
Topic: [ANN] 💰⛏ 💰⛏ 💰⛏ ICE ROCK MINING ICO2 - LIFETIME PROFIT - page 10. (Read 37159 times)

Activity: 2020
Merit: 1041
"Farms lifetime not yours" Priceless Im starting to like these guys Smiley (**because I don't own any IRM) but that's a pretty funny fuckin answer scammy as shit but Funny.

I might just buy some now to support their comedy.

FYI Why are investors paying 20% reinvestment then ? or is the payout now 70%?

jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 4
That's a very weird thing to say while your customers are paying 20% for reinvestment. (that's currently covering the shortcoming in operational costs.)

That 20% supposedly replaces all those miners Before they go down with more efficient ones to keep your investment profitable.

So when admin sais that they are saying we are Not replacing anything and pocketing your 20% when shit breaks its gone.

Also how is the Cooling done now that you moved to the warehouse u don't have free cooling anymore how much is that going to cost ? might work during the winter without but how about summer ?

"It's probably better to think of the token profit more as a dividend share "

Not according to IRM apperantly because they say everything will just Die after 3 years so your eating your asset.

Is this true and confirmed by IRM management  or just an uninformed comment made by an  admin sitting in their telegram group not realky involved or on the company payroll.

How can IRM say in its whitepaper there will be 20% reinvestment to do maintenance and replace older machines and then turn around and say that once machine are not working they are not replaced in their mining farm? Who would invest in a company not willing to spend for rig maintenance and repair to keep its farm as efficient as possible.... for as long as possible.

IRM should be careful, their flip flops on so many promises they said they would do in their white paper  but are now no longer going to do could leave them open to many lawsuits.

yes that a good question your right that might be the case.

Id also like to add that if their customers have a choice between 50% payout Without replacement or a 30% payout With replacement the smart money would Choose the 30% payout if that makes your payout last "forever" instead of a couple of years.

**can someone that is NOT banned from their telegram ask and report back plz?

LOL asking that question would get the person banned.  You are not allowed to "question" their decisions.  In their own words "This is a dictatorship and business not a democracy". 

BTW have worked out Peter K is actually Dias, he is trying hard not to show his native language is not English but there are many tells.

The other thing Peter K/Dias is doing is, like the whole project a game of smoke and mirrors. 

Anyone fuds, Peter K/Dias is there and he also references page 2 of xxx report etc, he is answering as though he IS a company rep but pretending not be a company rep. 

Then he will come on-line as Dias.  LMAO 

Sorry for outing you Dias, hope this does not upset the tribe at home base. 

Activity: 392
Merit: 13
That's a very weird thing to say while your customers are paying 20% for reinvestment. (that's currently covering the shortcoming in operational costs.)

That 20% supposedly replaces all those miners Before they go down with more efficient ones to keep your investment profitable.

So when admin sais that they are saying we are Not replacing anything and pocketing your 20% when shit breaks its gone.

Also how is the Cooling done now that you moved to the warehouse u don't have free cooling anymore how much is that going to cost ? might work during the winter without but how about summer ?

"It's probably better to think of the token profit more as a dividend share "

Not according to IRM apperantly because they say everything will just Die after 3 years so your eating your asset.

Is this true and confirmed by IRM management  or just an uninformed comment made by an  admin sitting in their telegram group not realky involved or on the company payroll.

How can IRM say in its whitepaper there will be 20% reinvestment to do maintenance and replace older machines and then turn around and say that once machine are not working they are not replaced in their mining farm? Who would invest in a company not willing to spend for rig maintenance and repair to keep its farm as efficient as possible.... for as long as possible.

IRM should be careful, their flip flops on so many promises they said they would do in their white paper  but are now no longer going to do could leave them open to many lawsuits.
Activity: 2020
Merit: 1041
That's a very weird thing to say while your customers are paying 20% for reinvestment. (that's currently covering the shortcoming in operational costs.)

That 20% supposedly replaces all those miners Before they go down with more efficient ones to keep your investment profitable.

So when admin sais that they are saying we are Not replacing anything and pocketing your 20% when shit breaks its gone.

Also how is the Cooling done now that you moved to the warehouse u don't have free cooling anymore how much is that going to cost ? might work during the winter without but how about summer ?

"It's probably better to think of the token profit more as a dividend share "

Not according to IRM apperantly because they say everything will just Die after 3 years so your eating your asset.

Activity: 22
Merit: 3
Can we get an estimated growth curve on our gains from this? Like dates of when we should expect expansion of the miner banks and what we can except per 1000 coins at each payout for the next few years out. The site still have a calculator the is massively off of reality.

I made a more up to date calculator

It's probably better to think of the token profit more as a dividend share than ROI as the tokens still retain value after profit is made. If the company is successful over the next few years you are likely to make more profit off the token price going up than from the dividends paid out.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
Can we get an estimated growth curve on our gains from this? Like dates of when we should expect expansion of the miner banks and what we can except per 1000 coins at each payout for the next few years out. The site still have a calculator the is massively off of reality.
full member
Activity: 588
Merit: 102
"Ice Rock Mining - Lifetime Profit"

ROCK2 / BTC / ROCK2 / ETH ====> DEEX

Today I want to give you the progress regarding the trading of the token ROCK2 on the exchanges 📈

In recent days, the daily trading volume of our token on the has increased more than 5 times🚀

As you all know, we constantly keep in touch with our community, through chat admins, also directly communicating with our investors in chat rooms and in personal messages. It is very important for us to know the mood of our community and we try to create maximum comfort and convenience for our investors. One of the topics that worry our community is not convenient mechanics on the current stock exchange and the lack of alternative pairs for buying / selling the ROCK2 token.

Earlier, we announced the addition of a token to another exchange, the functionality of which, after checking it with our team, turned out to be very convenient. Today I want to officially inform you about the creation of new trading pairs for the ROCK2 token on the decentralized exchange DEEX. Below you can see active links to new pairs.



In the future, the list of available pairs will be expanded.

Friends, I wish you a pleasant use of the new exchange and remember, your comfort is very important to us.


Ceгoдня я xoчy пpeдocтaвить вaшeмy внимaнию пpoгpecc oтнocитeльнo тopгoв тoкeнa ROCK2 нa биpжax 📈

Зa пocлeдниe дни cyтoчный oбъeм тopгoв нaшeгo тoкeнa нa биpжe выpoc бoлee чeм в 5 paз🚀

Кaк вы вce знaeтe мы пocтoяннo пoддepживaeм cвязь c нaшим кoмьюнити, этo пpoиcxoдит чepeз aдминoв чaтa, тaк жe нeпocpeдcтвeннo oбщaяcь c нaшими инвecтopaми в чaтax и в личныx cooбщeнияx. Для нac oчeнь вaжнo знaть нacтpoeниe нaшeгo cooбщecтвa и мы cтapaeмcя coздaть мaкcимaльный кoмфopт и yдoбcтвo для нaшиx инвecтopoв. Oднa из тeм кoтopaя вoлнyeт нaшe кoмьюнити — этo нe yдoбнaя мexaникa нa дeйcтвyющeй биpжe и oтcyтcтвиe aльтepнaтивныx пap для пoкyпки/пpoдaжи тoкeнa ROCK2.

Paнee мы aнoнcиpoвaли дoбaвлeниe тoкeнa eщe нa oднy биpжy, фyнкциoнaл кoтopoй пocлe пpoвepки eгo нaшeй кoмaндoй, oкaзaлcя oчeнь yдoбный. Ceгoдня я xoчy oфициaльнo cooбщить вaм o coздaнии нoвыx тopгoвыx пap для тoкeнa ROCK2 нa дeцeнтpaлизoвaннoй биpжe DEEX. Hижe вы мoжeтe yвидeть aктивныe ccылки нa нoвыe пapы.



B дaльнeйшeм бyдeт pacшиpeн cпиcoк дocтyпныx пap.

Дpyзья, жeлaю вaм пpиятнoгo пoльзoвaния нoвoй биpжeй и пoмнитe, нaм oчeнь вaжeн вaш кoмфopт.

full member
Activity: 457
Merit: 100
Not sure how, I didn't participate in any Airdrop of this project, as far as I remember. But I have received some tokens. Thanks!
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
After I have pressed READ in, nothing shows up in the balance field. The field stays "151".
What could be the reason?
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
All the fudders and haters can check out their latest video:

Also, their CEO Malik announced on their telegram channel that by end of this year they will have 5000 s9 (if nothing better comes along).

Bakkt will start in November this year, and I expect bitcoin ETF approval end of Feb 2019 so perfect timing.
full member
Activity: 588
Merit: 102
"Ice Rock Mining - Lifetime Profit"
There seems to be a pretty big lack of critical thought here. You people are forgetting a few things:

1. The payout was based on less than 3 weeks of mining, and only 500 miners. That's 10% of the total equipment budget. Based on that, the payout we got was actually much higher than I anticipated. When all the miners have been purchased, the payout should go up 5-10x, and if BTC goes up, it's looking even better. Try to find anything else on the market that will get you that kind of return on an investment. Go invest your money in US treasuries and get a 3% return if you're so concerned.

2. BTC is way down from the day the original calculator was put on the site. That was based on BTC being at $13,500. Obviously those numbers are no longer accurate. The fact that BTC went down and not up doesn't automatically make IRM a scam

3. Rock2pay is actually a good idea. For people with very few ROCK2 tokens, this makes more sense than sending tiny payments that wouldn't even go through due to the transaction fee. It literally takes 2 minutes to transfer these to ETH, why are people so up in arms about this? If you're worried about your funds being being held as an IRM asset, then go convert it to ETH! If taking 2 minutes to transfer to ETH is too much time once per month, then you should probably sell your ROCK2 tokens.

4. IRM is a long-term hold. If you were expecting to make your entire investment back in the first couple months, then you're an idiot. As long as BTC goes up, I think IRM is going to give a great return over the next couple years.

I'm glad the price of ROCK2 is taking right now because I am going to pick up some more cheap tokens!

What was the profit per token?
How do you convert Rock2pay to ETH?   here you can find MANUAL

Thanks dias
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
There seems to be a pretty big lack of critical thought here. You people are forgetting a few things:

1. The payout was based on less than 3 weeks of mining, and only 500 miners. That's 10% of the total equipment budget. Based on that, the payout we got was actually much higher than I anticipated. When all the miners have been purchased, the payout should go up 5-10x, and if BTC goes up, it's looking even better. Try to find anything else on the market that will get you that kind of return on an investment. Go invest your money in US treasuries and get a 3% return if you're so concerned.

2. BTC is way down from the day the original calculator was put on the site. That was based on BTC being at $13,500. Obviously those numbers are no longer accurate. The fact that BTC went down and not up doesn't automatically make IRM a scam

3. Rock2pay is actually a good idea. For people with very few ROCK2 tokens, this makes more sense than sending tiny payments that wouldn't even go through due to the transaction fee. It literally takes 2 minutes to transfer these to ETH, why are people so up in arms about this? If you're worried about your funds being being held as an IRM asset, then go convert it to ETH! If taking 2 minutes to transfer to ETH is too much time once per month, then you should probably sell your ROCK2 tokens.

4. IRM is a long-term hold. If you were expecting to make your entire investment back in the first couple months, then you're an idiot. As long as BTC goes up, I think IRM is going to give a great return over the next couple years.

I'm glad the price of ROCK2 is taking right now because I am going to pick up some more cheap tokens!

What was the profit per token?
How do you convert Rock2pay to ETH?   here you can find MANUAL

Thanks dias
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1031
wow great promotion video .
But in the video you whering t-shirts i thought it is very cold in your mining Facility ?
But also great to see the massiv stuff of new miners .

full member
Activity: 588
Merit: 102
"Ice Rock Mining - Lifetime Profit"
‼️Hello everyone! We have some great news and information to share with. Please read it fully.‼️

Here is the latest updates about our video and its details;

Second phase with s9's & s9j's become too big for our cave. Our team made a good calculation that cave will only fit 5000 miners inside safely. Because of the funds we raised and the miners cost got reduced as of know in total we have enough funds for 7000 miners. With the re-investment cave would not be sustainable. THIS WAY WE CAN EXPAND!!! There is nothing wrong with the cave and cave is still a good option. But this way our second phase can expand. For 7000 s9's air was too much for the cave.

so good about our new place?

We, like with the cave, have the right to have this place for us for free. It was given us by the electric company itself. Since we will be their biggest costumer, they were happy to share this place with us. So, it still didn't cost us anything 🎉🎉

As you guys can see from the video, the ventilation system is very smooth and also it is high above the ground so, it is very easy to take the air out and let it in. Electricity price is the same as before! The team is more experienced and active than before.

Other news and information;

-We have already ordered 1500 more miners and we are ordering as we go. The reason for this miners cost drops every month. We have no reason to order them at once and also the preparations takes time. So in October we will have 2000 miners in total!!

-In upcoming weeks we will have a Q&A, so please send us your questions privately if you have any(Which we know you must have a lot Smiley )

As always ICE ROCKS💪💪
full member
Activity: 588
Merit: 102
"Ice Rock Mining - Lifetime Profit"
There seems to be a pretty big lack of critical thought here. You people are forgetting a few things:

1. The payout was based on less than 3 weeks of mining, and only 500 miners. That's 10% of the total equipment budget. Based on that, the payout we got was actually much higher than I anticipated. When all the miners have been purchased, the payout should go up 5-10x, and if BTC goes up, it's looking even better. Try to find anything else on the market that will get you that kind of return on an investment. Go invest your money in US treasuries and get a 3% return if you're so concerned.

2. BTC is way down from the day the original calculator was put on the site. That was based on BTC being at $13,500. Obviously those numbers are no longer accurate. The fact that BTC went down and not up doesn't automatically make IRM a scam

3. Rock2pay is actually a good idea. For people with very few ROCK2 tokens, this makes more sense than sending tiny payments that wouldn't even go through due to the transaction fee. It literally takes 2 minutes to transfer these to ETH, why are people so up in arms about this? If you're worried about your funds being being held as an IRM asset, then go convert it to ETH! If taking 2 minutes to transfer to ETH is too much time once per month, then you should probably sell your ROCK2 tokens.

4. IRM is a long-term hold. If you were expecting to make your entire investment back in the first couple months, then you're an idiot. As long as BTC goes up, I think IRM is going to give a great return over the next couple years.

I'm glad the price of ROCK2 is taking right now because I am going to pick up some more cheap tokens!

What was the profit per token?
How do you convert Rock2pay to ETH?   here you can find MANUAL
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
So around $0.00131 or $1.31 per 1000 tokens. Sounds about right, a little higher than my calculator.

For the first payment of miners running for 22 days it should be around $0.00116 per token or $1.16 per 1000 tokens
I signed up on telegram and I see the download for the manual on for to convert rock2pay to eth, hit download buttom and nothing happens. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Activity: 22
Merit: 3
So around $0.00131 or $1.31 per 1000 tokens. Sounds about right, a little higher than my calculator.

For the first payment of miners running for 22 days it should be around $0.00116 per token or $1.16 per 1000 tokens
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
It's on their news channel, you have to sign up for telegram first though

Here is a google doc of it (hosted by me not them) You probably shouldn't trust anything not sent by them though
Seems like a lot of work for a few bucks, but we will give it a try. Thank you fishdogduck

No worries, can you tell me the ETH per token you received? I sold all my Rock2 when it hit 0.003 ETH. Might buy some back if the token price goes down enough

The amount of Rock2 Tokens I have and the amount of Rock2Pay I received on this payment works out to 0.00000557657 ETH per Rock2 token.
Activity: 22
Merit: 3
It's on their news channel, you have to sign up for telegram first though

Here is a google doc of it (hosted by me not them) You probably shouldn't trust anything not sent by them though
Seems like a lot of work for a few bucks, but we will give it a try. Thank you fishdogduck

No worries, can you tell me the ETH per token you received? I sold all my Rock2 when it hit 0.003 ETH. Might buy some back if the token price goes down enough
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
It's on their news channel, you have to sign up for telegram first though

Here is a google doc of it (hosted by me not them) You probably shouldn't trust anything not sent by them though
Seems like a lot of work for a few bucks, but we will give it a try. Thank you fishdogduck
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