Well, there a some other RPG games that rewards you with cryptocurrency. Whats so special with this one? You use tokens as ingame cash, or gamers can"mine" through gameplay? Do you already have a MVP?
The difference of Arker is that it does not mine while you play, this is what the other games do.
We simply give as a reward for playing our criptomoneda, already preminated.
Within the game we will have two coins, the cryptocurrency arker and the typical gold. With this we can avoid the pay2win and separate the rewards given by each of these.
This is what differentiates us from the rest, apart from this coin will be reusable in the game, or, treat it in the exchanges as a coin, so you can do what you want.
And yes, we have rewards for the best players, in addition, we will also have prizes for other modes, such as championships in 1vs1, clans, couples and many more things.