Carbon Chain is developing a blockchain system that will ensure that full accountability and monitoring for the life of a carbon credit issued by the UN, thus ensuring no double accounting takes place whilst providing an evidence-based blockchain ledger. On an annual basis, token holders are offered the 30% traded tokens back, at a transaction cost only.
Carbon Chain, using the funds raised by the Token Generating Event, will acquire carbon credits at a large discount directly from registered projects by investing in the registration and issuance costs as well as enter in ERPAs with existing project developers Carbon Chain will be able to sell these carbon credits by using its block chain-powered Carbon Credit Exchange (CCX) and the Carbon Chain-Token (CCT). This strategy makes it possible for Carbon Chain and its Participants to make money through the trade of carbon credits and to offer the carbon credits at a discounted price to its Clients on The Carbon Credit Exchange.
Carbon Chain’s mission is to create a platform blockchain chain technology that allows any citizen in the world to participate in changing the unprecedented crisis that is climate change. We intend making it possible for anyone in the world to participate through the Carbon Chain Token (CCT). Countries all over the world are introducing a Carbon Tax or Cap and Trade system and this is an ideal mechanism to secure a tax and carbon offset, whilst ‘proving’ to the world how Countries are achieving their National Determined Contributions as agreed to under the Paris Agreement.
Joost van Lier - https://www.linkedin.com/in/joost-van-lier-6a844b3/
Steve Ireton - https://www.linkedin.com/in/steve-i-b67181148/
Dr John Kilani - https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-kilani-18b950b9/
Deputy Chairman
Prof. Lloyd John Chingambo, PH - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lloyd-chingambo-44684635/
Chief Operating Officer
Jitendra Singh
Technical Director
Chris King - https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-king-changecatalyst/
Director of Corporate Governance
Karin Ireton - https://www.linkedin.com/in/karin-ireton-12773b1/
Head Compliance Officer
Paresh Masani - https://www.linkedin.com/in/deanfluence/
Chief Technical Officer
General Bantu Holomisa - https://www.linkedin.com/in/bantu-holomisa-65990546/
Non-Executive Director
Anadeep Reddy
Technical Advisor
Dimitris Tsapis - https://www.linkedin.com/in/dimitris-tsapis-524128a8/
Campaign Manager
Soufiane Boubani - https://www.linkedin.com/in/soufiane-boubani-141516a7/
Community Advisor
Audrey Bertens - https://www.linkedin.com/in/audrey-becker-bertens-b9159420/
Community Liason
How does Carbon Chain Benefit the Market?
Blockchain is specifically intended to impart transparency and enable auditing of the system. It eliminates all the glitches and possibilities of fraud. Ensuring Right Utilization of Funds Raised Blockchain will ensure that the revenue raised is strictly being used to solve carbon emission problems, and not to fund any alternative political agenda. Since, it has the capability to bypass the administrative glitches, which have plagued the emission trading system very badly. Blockchain can eliminate the risk of double counting and can embolden the trustworthiness, which in turn reduces the energy consumption and will attract the participation of private finance, microfinance, and crowdfunding etc. in this case, a country cannot necessary ‘claim’ a mitigation action has reduced their carbon emissions if, the carbon credit has been registered, issued and traded to another company in another country. Tracking Critical Data Blockchain can fairly address the damages or losses arising from climate change since it can track the critical data, events; insurance risks and can identify the people adversely affected by it too. Moreover, Blockchain can fill the vacuum left open; by immensely affecting the following associated factors:
• Carbon Tracking: Blockchain can tell the entire journey of a carbon credit i.e. from origination to its purchase and retirement. Blockchain can automate the entire process of storing and processing of information about carbon credits.
• Carbon Trading: Blockchain can cut the lengthy time duration associated with clearance and trade confirmation process by negating the need for any intermediary like clearing houses. Blockchain can facilitate instantaneous trade confirmations. The use of Smart contract can speed up buying and selling of carbon credits by automating the process of negotiations and agreements. Cryptocurrencies can further facilitate carrying out of instant transactions, and that too, in low transaction cost.
Participants in the Private Sale - 22% - 121,000,000
Executive Panel - 13% - 71,500,000
Carbon Chain Founders - 7% - 38,500,000
Bounty/Influencers/Referrals - 6% - 33,000,000
Participants in the Crowdsale - 40% - 220,000,000
Team Members -3% - 16,500,000
Partners - 4% - 22,000,000
Pot "A" Company - 5%- 27,500,000
Total - 100% - 550,000,000
Carbon credits trade constantly, either ‘over the counter’ on via the main trading bourse – the EUETS. Every week there is a request from countries asking for bids of various amounts to offset the government's travel over the past year. From next year, carbon tax comes into SA and there will be trade every 6 months. However, some companies will get a head of the game and not wait until the 6 monthly tax has to be paid.
- Rio Summit II
- Company Registration
- White Paper Release
- Website Development
- Blockchain/ Smart Contract
- Martha’s Vineyard
- Cryptocurrency
- Symposium speaker
- Presentation
- 1st Purchase of Carbon Credits under an ERPA
- First TGE
- Pre ICO 1 : 15 July - 31 Aug
- First South Africa Launch - Wanderers Club
- Johannesburg Continuous contracts under Carbon Registration
- Pre Registration and KYC
- 25th Speaker presentation - Blockchain Summit Joburg South Africa
- Referral program starts - chance to win a BMW i8
- 1st - Private sale starts
- 40% discount on crowd sale - plus 10% bonus tokens
- Speaker Presentation - Blockchain Summit
- Private sale starts - 40% discount on crowd sale - plus 10% bonus tokens
- 20th - Private sale ends
- 21st Crowd sale starts
- Crowd sale continues ...
CarbonChains project focus is on the commitments of each country to the Paris Agreement which, is in line with keeping below the 2-degree rise in global temperature. In order to try and achieve this, the world has to reduce the carbon emissions into the atmosphere. This requires a ‘behavioural change’ in the way we create power – less fossil fuel, more renewable energy. Carbon credits are then generated to allow proof of such activity
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CarbonchainInternational/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carbon_chain
Telegram: t.me/carbonchainofficial