Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0x0027bcc0275ed76e0b338a42e7e08dec36d25678 185536579.7 46.1075%
2 0xfe9e8709d3215310075d67e3ed32a380ccf451c8 40585287.07396 10.0858%
3 0x874ae96bd7798dbfb41524702b33a36b057f71e1 7309268.94711 1.8164%
where do these whales get mth from?
the largest 24 volume is about 30-40 btc on binance...
We need official answer on this if this is Monetha account or an external whale. I agree acquiring 7 Mil tokens would increase the price by 50% at least, because suddenly you have less tokens in circulation.
they are whales? if they are big whales then they can pump and dump this token in the market at any time
if they hold then monetah will pump because less token will be in circulation and if they sell at will then monetah will dump
but i think they will not sell their tokens until some big news and developments out from the dev team
and then the price will go up and then sell for profits