I think you should contact Dev team on Polyswarm's official telegram group to get faster reply. Since there is no bounty programs for Polyswarm I don't see translation related page, but you need to confirm this with Dev team
Ya i'm pretty sure theirs no bounties for translations, i mean they would probably apprecaite it but, the only bounty is the one for security experts to report malware. I do think big tasks like translations should be handled and rewarded but i'm not sure either how they are handling it in this project. LIke was said above telegram is your best bet.
I really like the fact theirs no bounties for social work, but then again that does hurt the advertising.
I am also very sure about the bounties. There is absolutely no social media bounties or any other. So don't get scammed. Only bounty campaign they have is their expert bounty. If you have knowledge in crypto, you can welcome to participate in their bounty.
So on the one hand you like that there is no advertising in social media, and on the other hand you say it hurts the advertising of the project. That's a little bit contradictory and I feel they are going to miss out on reaching a wide audience throughout the social medias when they decide to not do advertisement there.
I think they should keep announcing that there is not bounty on that, otherwise others will claim and scam many. Now in terms of affectivity, I think the team knows best in many cases bounty hunters would just dump the earliest chance they get (not generalizing)
If they are sure that they cal sell all tokens, they can also neglect an advertising campaign and build their product with as less hype as possible.