How will behave the RBM currency after entering the market?At the project development stage, until the demand for value-oriented medical services reaches the saturation limit, it is expected that monthly purchases of RBM will exceed RBM sales (exchange for other currencies). Thus, the price of RBM will grow over the long term, backed by the real product fulfilment with confirmed demand.
Why do you think people will buy RBM smart medical contacts?The answer is simple but perhaps may not be obvious to everyone. Healthcare is ought to be driven by a relentless focus on delivering outcomes that truly matter to patients and to society in a financially sustainable manner. But this is hard to do and hard to manage when the patient outcomes we should deliver are not clearly defined. Also, costs are increasing unsustainably with a significant fraction of healthcare spending wasted on low-value diagnostic procedures or treatments and on consequences of clinical errors. By eliminating inefficiencies, we can save approximately $1 trillion globally each year. Imagine the possibilities if we were to invest that capital in meaningful innovation or disease prevention. When it comes to out of pocket spending – nobody wants to waste his money or time. Our tool appears to be quite useful here.
How do you plan creating those much clinical guidelines and keep them up to date?The Robomed Network includes a tool for decentralized management of the criteria for the effectiveness of medical services. The active involvement of the professional medical community will be motivated by RBM payments for each vote, and the competence of holders of RBM Tokens admitted to professional medical voting will be checked throughout the authorization process. We believe that combined knowledge of professional medical community is there to help. We already have 2900 clinical guidelines digitalized.
What if some hospital doesn’t want to install your EHR?In case that the medical service provider does not want to work in the Robomed EHR, it can use any other EHR system and connect to the Robomed Network using the dedicated API under condition of the observation of the communication protocols according to the HL7 standard (or FHIR).
Who exactly is your customer?Our customer is an individual with a health problem with no insurance plan. He is willing to find the best solution for problem in a limited time and money. We provide this solution.
What if during RBM smart contact fulfillment an unusual result occurs?Although 90% of clinical cases are routine, such a thing can rarely happen. In that situation, this patient’s EMR with all his data except identity will become a subject to investigation by Robomed Network medical community with top priority.
How will you measure clinical guideline accomplishment by healthcare provider?Each clinical guideline consists of crucial milestones: completed services and medical data. Reference values of these milestones are the core of outcome measurement in Robomed EHR. Real time capture and reliability of block chain technology provides trustworthy information for such measurement.
What is a smart contract?Smart contracts are computer protocols intended to facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. Proponents of smart contracts claim that many kinds of contractual clauses may be made partially or fully self-executing, self-enforcing, or both. The aim of smart contracts is to provide security that is superior to traditional contract law and to reduce other transaction costs associated with contracting.
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