Danny, stop to blame the people about this.
we can talk a lot about our agreements, for you, it was one for me another verbal agreement.
we did not work all of the team, on the same terms.
I left the project due to an argument, several times I told you do not lie the community.
We already know how much money came into the company from private-sales and from investors and that is the third presale already officially, finally!!!
let's check the first transaction from the old token, 68 days.
https://etherscan.io/token/0x78a12d8c9c67a8836c22790ca983e2968f715d6eWhat about the money from the investors, which are not there?
All gone...
Everyone can track and see dates, time and etc it's a transparency,
and there is NO notification to no one for the new token and there is a mismatch in the transactions?
https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=@WinToChathttps://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=g246828826Show us how much money you got in your ETH or BTC address from the serial private-sales, let's see your transparency, I'm sure all has gone.
I will ask you again, are you sure 100% the old team left the company because
"Not enough patience, unrealistic expectations etc."think twice...
For the work done by them, there was no actual payment so they left. What did you expect?
Another reason was in these environments we must protect our good reputation, and this is more important for them too.
Because the project becomes a SCAM.
You are the only one on salary, the rest of us was on verbal agreements.
The advisers have not quit, they don`t know about you, check my screenshot.
you are taking their profiles and using them into the website for weight.
it's funny to tell us they are taking money only for their pictures.
do not talk for transparency and charity when you lies the community
check our previous roadmap and notice the date:
2017 Q2http://dev.mandreev.com/winner-coin/ and now you are asking the community, no, no, you are telling lies to them for more money for alpha and beta version, another
$2 420 000M.
https://ec2-35-158-219-62.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com:8444/and the app is ready, but there is a lot of technical and etc issues.
the registration form is disabled
Several of your points prove that you have no idea what you're talking about and you turned yourself a liar.
P.S. its good to have ego and my one is not hurt.so let's show the community the truth and they can decide who is wrong and who does not,
let's not show them what was our internal issues, they don't care about this, they are the people which will invest if is not a scam.
let me know if you want more proofs that this is a scam?