Congratulations & thanks to you !!!!
We have reached 110,77% of our initial Softcap,
Sold Tokens ICO : 494253,46944444 = 30561,51 $
Sold Nodes during ICO : 2 Nodes = 24823 $
SebastianJu fee: 1 ETH + 1 ETH in our token value 15683.3333333 Tokens
First of all, we want to thank you for having trusted in our project, which is also yours from now on. In the next few days you will receive the tokens cederis/isp that represent the% of your annual income, so you have to be configured to receive the tokens, visit
We want to thanks to our Escrow SebastianJu because from begining he was with us, and for the future too, from the total we have to rest 1ETH= 941 dollars, and the same ammount in our cederis token,
We have enabled the domain where the platform will be hosted, and where any user can reserve their ISP and access all the necessary tools to create their ISP-WISP will remain online and will be where we register all investors to know at all times the details of the platform at the administrative level as the active nodes, the connected clients, the isp of users and the expenses / benefits of all services .
We are already in contact with several exchanges, and although in the roadmap we have planned in Q3 2018, we will try to be listed before, any offer we receive to list our token in any exchange, we will ask everyone and among all will be decided, while implementing the voting system any question that requires your opnion will be made from your wallet with message system, although from next week we will dedicate to take the fiber to each node and install the access points in the towers and catch all possible customers.
In our Roadmap we had to install 5 nodes, we are pleased to announce that in addition, for months after we installed 4 nodes, which will be added to these 5, plus the 2 that an investor has purchased, so we will have a minimum of 9 owned nodes on this year more 2 from investor, but manage entire from cederis.
We have a list of more than 150 clients waiting only at one node, so our forecast is to reach at least 500 clients before the end of the year.
You can see the evolutions on the website, which will be closed to the public in next weeks, only visible to investors. We will tell you when we will do any change.
We will also use social networks to upload information, videos, and deployment details.
Any questions or comments or idea do not hesitate to contact and ask us, because you are part of Cederis
Thanks again,
Do not hesitate to ask us any questions you have, we will be happy to answer you
See you soon!
cederis Team