I have not seen the developer for a long time, but I want to ask him, how much scoring for his project is standard? How long will it take to manufacture it and who will do it?
Actually the team might be much busy now and also have the same questions to ask the dev. ISP is really doing a great work and the early inestors may surely have some good profits out of it. Hope the project will soon reach great heights.
Hi, we do not have to manufacture anything, if we had to do it would be a monstrous investment of millions, between patents, licenses, standards, distribution, marketing, etc ... for all that it takes years.
We have carrier class brands in Wireless as cambium networks, or mimosa for fixed 5G. And so with the antennas that we use. They are leading companies in the sector and have distributors all over the world, making it easy for any user to acquire the devices in their country.
We are going to unite the necessary tools to create an ISP through wireless technology and the use of licenses in each country where users deploy their nodes. you will see the towers around the world, fiber transport, download of server applications, support, etc ...
In the platform
If I solve these problems, I guess everyone will be caring for it, but the projects that are ready for the market need the permission of the local government. In addition, the blockchain provides the characteristics of "sharing"? I do not understand your technical words
Beside a month ago the president of my country made decision enabling freely to use crypto. I hope and in the place of your residing given aspect will be settled.
You are very lucky) it would be cool if more countries finally allowed the legal use of cryptography.
This project will bring a lot of benefits if it develops at a good speed.
If a country not allowed let payments from crypto, is not a problem, we will let payment over fiat, and them we conver into our token.