Damn wth is that
I don't understand what you propose that any of us can't do without you ?
+ you speak about today market not offering returns (look at SPX please... just at ATH).
Then if you defend yourself speaking about cryptocurrency market and its volatility, well again, nothing new. Just have a look at all the pennystock everywhere in the world.
Anyway, if someone could explain me the point of iconomi I would be grateful
You are from the community. For you it is easy to to buy BTC on one exchange, transfer it to another. Buy a token there that has a value and is not something scamy. But for any outside investor, not familiar with anything crypto, that is mission impossible. They wanna put fiat somewhere and grab certain tokens.
We are solving 3 problems for them:
- how to buy (it is too hard for them now - hard to imagine.. but people need fiat to buy tokens)
- what to buy (over 700 coins, and only like 30 or so that are worth putting money in - see where doge/peer/etc were once and where they are now and where they will be in the future. besides, with new ICO surging there will be over 1000 new ones next year (that's like 3 new ones per day). that will be hard or impossible to monitor, make proper due diligence. this will have to be done systematically, and this is part where it might be interesting even for the community. because you don't wanna miss good ICO and with that many, this will happen. even to us with systematic approach, but on a smaller scale)
- how to keep secure things. yet. if someone figures all that out. he will just leave things on exchange until it gets hacked. and for us within the community it might be a problem as well. like how do you create multisig cold wallet for Sia or Storj? not that easy.
This is what ICONOMI is all about. If we want outside investors and outside money to flow in, new financial services needs to be provided. And here we're creating one.
Now we are funding the operator of the funds. Where you become a shareholder of the company to say. And funds that will be sold to outside investors will create certain profit that will be distributed to us as operators and shareholders as owners. It will be first "coin" with dividends.
SPX... adjust with inflation and it's not that great anymore. German 10y bonds with negative interest rate are not selling for no reason.