I think you may be having one of those email problems where your email provider is having trouble receiving emails from
[email protected] check your SPAM folder and any other folder. When you perform an ICO withdrawal request based on what *I* experienced you should receive an email with the subject line of:
Confirm your transfer of ICN tokens
And the body of the email should read:
A request to withdraw xxx,xxx ICN tokens from your ICONOMI ICO account to address 0xfdfxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx6d was just made.
If you did not request this withdrawal, immediately contact
[email protected].
To confirm the transaction, click on the CONFIRM NOW below.
Also, as a computer engineer that spends time resolving computer problems for my clients I would like to share email problems that some of my clients have experienced particularly with Yahoo email services where the problem is that they can't receive an email from a particular email address, somehow that email never arrives to their inbox and no its not in the spam folder either or blocked in anyway.
A problem of this type that I personally experienced was when my father was performing a mortgage refinancing and Bank of America wanted to send a few contract papers by email and he had given them his AOL email address, for the Love of God that email never made it to his AOL inbox, SPAM folders or any other folders, with the Rep on the phone I guided Bank of America through the process of re-checking the email and re-sending test emails and it never made it, I had to create my father a new email using my own company's domain name and finally he was able to receive the email that he couldn't get under AOL.
So with all that said, what is your Email provider, is it Yahoo, AOL, other? If so, you might be experiencing the same issues I have seen from others from time to time and specially at no fault to ICONOMI since ICONOMI, or should I say ICONOMI's autoresponder is trying to send you the email but for some reason its not making it into your inbox in any shape or form, in that case I would advice you to create a new GMAIL email since that's the one that I use for these purposes and GMAIL has never failed me once, personally I think GMAIL to be the best free email service provider and Yahoo being one of the worse ones next to AOL and others.
I haven't tested HOTMAIL/outlook but I suspect that it might be inline with Yahoo's performance (i might be wrong there, but I would still use GMAIL for ICONOMI and other ICO, etc).
Finally, do a global search for the term: ICONOMI on your email inbox to see if you can find the email confirmation. Also, make sure your email INBOX page is sorted by date order (new ones first, oldest ones last), there was a client of mine that was complaining that she wasn't receiving an important email and it turns out that she had inadvertently sorted her email Inbox in alphabetical order (by clicking on the subject tab) rather than by date order (by clicking on the date tab -- also repeat clicking on the date tab toggles between first -> last and last ->first that's one thing to keep in mind).
The email you receive from ICONOMI should look more or less like the following email I received when I did my own ICO withdrawal approx 5 days ago successfully:
The next time that you send an email to
[email protected] be sure to include an alternative email there with instructions for them to email you on that other email address, maybe they are not able to get to you for the same reasons their autoresponder has not been able to get to your inbox, maybe they are trying and trying to get to you, to reply to your request and because its not making it there its giving the illusion that they do not want to assist you. Go create a new GMAIL email account and give them that as your alternative email address and ask them to use that from now on and see if now you are able to receive emails from them. You will also have to ask them to update your confirmation email with that new GMAIL email and try withdrawing again.