Why waves is media? It should be a platform.
And it is.
There was glitch in my table (after removing tokens which left ICNX some cells did not shift...)
Now fixed.
thank you for noticing.
Jaka does this guys deserve a small bounty?
Can we have an iconomi forum one day? here is hard to start growing a community.
Actually I got a comment about this typo on telegram just minutes after posting, but did not see anything until this morning. :\ Anyhow bounty time is over, or maybe reserved for special achievements
Surprise us!
Regarding forum, I agree with you that bitcointalk is a big mess and hard to follow... especially since there is no way to ban fudsters/trolls.
I use forum's ignore feature quite a lot, which makes it bearable... I suggest all users to do the same - this way trolls will be ignored and will maybe just go away.
In the last week I was busy structuring our communications strategy... Consequently we will be closing down few of the communications channels, as quantity should never be in front of quality... Especially telegram group is completely spammy, so it goes first. We'll close it down in the next few days.
Our own forum is a possibility if we do not find a better solution. But right now we are completely focused on delivering both investment funds before the end of year. Everything else is secondary.
We like the idea of having the best quality content and intelligent debates on our subreddit at
http://reddit.com/r/iconomi ... reddit's up/down voting is a great mechanism to block poor content and trolls...
More in the next days...