When test icns were distributed gas limit was above 2 million.
.Yesterday it was around 1,500,000
Now it is only 1,200,000.
It may further decrease till 25th Oct 2016 .
Iconomi is a 800,000 gas contract. Theoretically, gas limit should be atleast 800,000 .
But keeping in mind, real situations, where an attack is still going on, there are some transactions.
What should be the gas limit necessary for iconomi's launch?
guarantee I'll be using it all the way to the right if i'm sending anything during a traffic jam, that's all u need to guarantee you get recorded on the next block.
But then, why did Jani say that at least 800,000 gas limit is required?
Why cannot they distribute ICN in two separate blocks?
Also, i understand that gas limit is dynamic. But after observing gas limit trend said, it would decrease more.
Deploying contract on the network takes 800k gas. But that comes with unassigned distribution. Assigning ICNs to individual addresses (the ones you are able to provide with us on ico website) takes ~100k per address. A lot of gas when you consider we have 1700 adresses to assign right now. We could do it with half of that, but without some checks inside.
Dynamic gas is actually exchange range between gas and ether. But one same operation will always cost same amount of gas (in absolut gas numbers). Because miners effectively bid/set exchange rate between gas and ether it can cost more or less in ether to perform an operation (but costs same amount of gas).